“Big Check” Presentation to University Hospital October 9, 2020

The event will be at the University Hospital Speech and Hearing Center on October 9,2020 at 09:15 AM

We have all been invited to attend the presentation of the “Big Check” to University Hospital Speech and Hearing Center. This has become an annual event for us and the Speech and Hearing Center.  We encourage everyone to attend, especially if you have never been to the Center.  Speech and Hearing assistance is what our club is about and you will be very impressed to see what all they do for speech and hearing impaired children and adults in the CSRA.  It is also impressive to see the people there and to see how much they appreciate what we are able to help them do for the community.

There will be some light refreshments and there will be news reporters and photographers.

The Speech and Hearing Center is located on Harper Street between 15th Street and St. Sebastian Street.  It is a dark red brick building. There is ample parking in the lot.


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North Augusta Sertoma Club Board Meeting Minutes 10/01/2020

Below are the minutes from the 10/01/2020 Board Meeting.  Please review.  If there are any errors, questions or issues, please contact club Secretary, Dennis Murphy.  Otherwise, the minutes will be “approved as read”.


Board Meeting Minutes

Date:  October 1, 2020

Call to order: Time            8:27       PM                    By:              Michael Ford                  

Board In Attendance:      Ford ,Corbitt,  Faulkner, Gillian ,   Goble,  McDowell ,    Hewett , London, Smith,    Brown, Murphy, Madebach,  , Summers, , .  Absent: Lott, Jones

Secretary Report:

  1. Dues invoices have been sent out.      Membership Update:  74 members.  
  2. Pursuing delinquent membership dues. Contacting members who are 2 quarters or more behind in dues. Have not reached all. Cato and Wetherington dropped.


Membership applications:    Membership application for Dan Griffin.  Approved

TREASURER REPORT:  See hard copy attached: **

Bank Balances:                                       Donated This Meeting:  TBD

Ops:                 \$ 33,391                      

Charity:            \$ 19,577                      

Sec 4190          \$ 50,877                       

Bingo:              \$ 20,421              

Total    \$  124,266                 Donations YTD:   \$18,682        .  Available for Fiscal Year \$53,318

Cost of tonight’s meal: \$ 267.00      Raffle \$85            net.  Food sales \$ 5


  1. Request for donation from “Wounded Warriors”. Recommended No
  2. Request from CMONA. Board approved a donation of \$5,000.00
  3. The Board passed a motion to pay for 13 campers to attend Camp Sertoma when camping resumes




Old Business:

Kevin Gillian and John Morris looking into possible upgrading of A/C units at the Hut. Still working on getting quotes.  Still pursuing additional quotes

“Discussion of possible winners of the Masters” – Venue?   Event will be held at Ned Maner’s place of business.  For members only

David Hewett reported that there will be no “baskets” coming from Camp Sertoma and that we would be unable to reach the campers that were scheduled to go before it was cancelled due to Covid.  We will use the \$650 elsewhere in our charity budget

David Hewett will assemble all old bank records and deliver to Niles Ellifson for shredding.  Also will call Patrick Zier to see if he still has old Sertoma Club files and records




New Business:   

  • The Discussed the upcoming 50th Club Anniversary. Board passed a motion to have a special banquet to honor charter members and to include Ray Morris and Herb Olsen.  We will try to do the banquet in January and will  include wives.  We will probably not be having the annual Valentine party in February.  Kevin Gillian has responsibility
  • University Hospital Speech and Hearing has invited us to attend a “Big Check” Presentation on October 9, 2020. At 09:15.  All members are invited to attend.
  • Kevin Gillian asked for a volunteer to do a Sertoman of the Year nomination and submission to Sertoma Inc. David Brunson volunteered.
  • .



  Meeting and Food Schedule (Food schedule is tentative and subject to cha

  • 10/15/2020 Team Ilardi
  • 11/5/2020 Team Brown

Casino Night status:  David Brunson:

  1. Currently Scheduled events:


Membership Committee Report – David Brunson, Chairman:

  • David Brunson attended Board meeting to discuss Membership. Has a committee of he and Ken Mcdowell and Ned Maner Dennis Murphy forwarded to the committee how to access member recruitment/retention information on the Sertoma Inc website. The will meet and discuss plans for membership recruitment.


Activities for Balance of FY 2020/2021




  1. Adjournment :                 09”05        PM
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North Augusta Sertoma Club Meeting Minutes 10/01/2020

Date:  October 1, 2020

General Meeting Agenda

Call to Order     7:22                   PM   By:  Kevin Gillian             Prayer by:  David Hewett               Pledge by:    All

Attendance:  Members:              35                            Guests:     David Cody, Dan Griffin, Luke Ellison

Tonight’s Meal Prepared by: “Team London:

Membership:  Current membership is 74.  Everyone needs to bring a friend or neighbor or business people you meet to a meeting and let them see what a good club we have.

You need to get your dues payments in. We are pursuing delinquent member’s dues. If a  member falls 2 quarters behind in dues, action will be taken.

Thank You’s:  From:  Laurie Ott, President of University Health Care Foundation.  Thank you from “Support 1”. They raised \$22,000 with the golf tournament.

NOTE: Financial Report – David Hewett  : Ops: \$33,391 Charity: \$19,577 Sec 4190: \$50,877; Bingo: \$20,421      Bank account total :\$124,266 ** For the Fiscal Year, Donated \$18,682            YTD with the newly revised amount of \$53,318           available for this fiscal year..

Club Golf Events:  Bert Yancy Tournament in late Oct.  Rex Goble will be calling participants.


Rex Goble: Golf Tournaments upcoming?  NOTE: Rex Goble is making every effort to make sure everyone eligible gets a chance to play in club sponsored golf events.

** New members should see Rex to get on his list for golfers to play in club sponsored golf outings.

CASINO NIGHTS:  Report by David Brunson  :  We have casino nights scheduled for: TBD


  • We have been invited to attend the “Big Check” presentation to University Hospital Speech and Hearing department on October 9, 2020 at 09:15 AM


  • Some discussion about legality of Casino nights in SC if no monetary prizes given. Michael Ford to look into further. Chris Chavous is looking into it.
  • Much discussion and club show of hands regarding the decision to have a “Discussion Of Probable Winners” of the Masters tournament – Members only, have in Nov. or postpone to net year. Board to discuss further




DRAWING Winners:  Jim Madebach, Dan Griffin (Guest)


 Meeting Adjourned at           8:20                  PM 

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North Augusta Sertoma Club Meeting Thursday

There will be a regular North Augusta Sertoma Club meeting this Thursday,  October 1, 2020.
Location: North Augusta Safety Dept. Hut
Sponsorship Committee Meeting at 06:15 PM.  Social Hour begins at 06:30 PM.  Board meeting to follow General meeting.

The meal prepared by Team London

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North Augusta Sertoma Club Board Meeting Minutes September 17, 2020


Board Meeting Minutes

Date:  September 17, 2020

Call to order: Time                                       PM                        By:                                

Board In Attendance:      Corbitt,  Faulkner, Gillian ,   Goble,  McDowell ,    Hewett , London, Smith,    Brown, Murphy, Madebach.  Absent: Ford,  Lott, Summers, Jones,

Secretary Report:

  1. Dues invoices have been sent out.      Membership Update:  76 members.  
  2. Discussed what to do about overdue membership dues. Board passed a motion directing the Secretary to contact members who are in arrears and to notify them that they have two weeks to bring arrearages up to no less that two quarters behind or they will be dropped from the club.


Membership applications: 

Approved membership application for Philip Nash

 TREASURER REPORT:  See hard copy attached: **. None

Bank Balances:                                       Donated This Meeting:  TBD

Ops:                 \$ 33,846                      

Charity:            \$ 17,556                      

Sec 4190          \$ 46,627                       

Bingo:              \$ 19,421              Note: Donation to Bert Yancy Tourn \$5,000?                        

Total    \$  116,471                 Donations YTD:   \$  18,647.  Available for Fiscal Year \$53,353

Cost of tonight’s meal: \$  =311.53         ?       Raffle \$     30     net.  Food sales \$     


  1. Request from Wounded Warriors – Not recommended



Old Business:

Kevin Gillian and John Morris looking into possible upgrading of A/C units at the Hut. Still working on getting quotes.  Still pursuing additional quotes

“Discussion of possible winners of the Masters” – Venue?   Event will be held at Ned Maner’s place of business.  For members only

David Hewett to follow up with Hap Greenway about “baskets”. Still pending

David Hewett asked for help with sorting/filing/keeping old club documents.   Dennis Murphy and Jack London to assist.

David Hewett will assemble all old bank records and deliver to Niles Ellifson for shredding.  Also will call Patrick Zier to see if he still has old Sertoma Club files and records




New Business:   

  • The Club’s 50th Anniversary will occur in October. We have three charter members left: John Morris, Sammy Anderson and Dick Day. The sentiment is to have a special regular meeting to honor these three gentlemen.  We do not have a facility available to hold a larger gathering.  Kevin Gillian has responsibility
  • University Hospital Speech and Hearing has finally received our check for the donation from last fiscal year.  They are asking if we want to do a “Big Check” presentation or something like that.  Dennis Murphy to contact Laurie Ott.




  Meeting and Food Schedule (Food schedule is tentative and subject to cha

  • 10/01/2020 Team London
  • 10/15/2020 Team Ilardi
  • 11/5/2020 Team Brown

Note: The Ilardi Team wants to have one Big expanded Italian meal (mussels et.al.) Board said it would be a good idea.

Casino Night status:  David Brunson:

  1. Currently Scheduled events:


Membership Committee Report – David Brunson, Chairman:

  • Some discussion about how to bring in new members. Board feels that someone should help David with this project.  Ken McDowell volunteered to contact David about assembling some sort of plan.  He will also ask Ned Maner to assist.  Dennis Murphy will contact Sertoma Inc. about Membership Drive assistance such as literature and plans.


  1. Activities for Balance of FY 2020/2021:




  1. Adjournment :      8:25                   PM
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North Augusta Sertoma Club Meeting Minutes September 17, 2020

Date:  September 17, 2020

General Meeting Minutes

Call to Order      7:03              PM   By:     Ken McDowell                Prayer by:  Jack London         Pledge by:    All

Attendance:  Members:          31                                     Guests:     Phil Nash (Ned Maner)

Tonight’s Meal Prepared by: “Team Gillian”

Membership:  Current membership is 76.  Everyone needs to bring a friend or neighbor or business people you meet to a meeting and let them see what a good club we have.

You need to get your dues payments in. Some discussion about members in arrears.  Will discuss in Board Meeting

Thank You’s:  From:  None


NOTE: Financial Report – David Hewett  : Ops: \$33,846; Charity: \$17,576 Sec 4190: \$46,627; Bingo: \$19,421      Bank account total :\$116,471 ** For the Fiscal Year, Donated \$18,647         YTD with the newly revised amount of \$ 53,353      available for this fiscal year..

We received a \$2,000 Covid-19 relief grant from Sertoma Inc. The Board has decided to match that amount and all will be given to speech and hearing aid.

Club Golf Events:   American Legion Tourn. 9/28/2020

Rex Goble: Golf Tournaments upcoming?  NOTE: Rex Goble is making every effort to make sure everyone eligible gets a chance to play in club sponsored golf events.

** New members should see Rex to get on his list for golfers to play in club sponsored golf outings.

CASINO NIGHTS:  Report by David Brunson  :  We have casino nights scheduled for: TBD


** Life membership presentation to Rick Faulkner


Some discussion about legality of Casino nights in SC if no monetary prizes given.  Michael Ford to look into further. Chris Chavous is looking into it.






DRAWING Winners:  Rex Goble and ??


 Meeting Adjourned at   07:50 PM                     PM 

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North Augusta Sertoma Meeting Thursday September 17

There will be a regular North Augusta Sertoma Club meeting this Thursday, September 17, 2020.
Location: North Augusta Safety Dept. Hut
Sponsorship Committee Meeting at 06:15 PM.  Social Hour begins at 06:30 PM.  Board meeting to follow General meeting.

The meal prepared by “Team Gillian” will be hot dogs and “Brats” and fixings.

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Special (Budget) Board Meetin Minutes September 3, 2020


Special Board Meeting Minutes

Date:  September 2, 2020

Call to order: Time                           6:10       PM                     By:        Michael Ford                 

Board In Attendance:      Ford, Corbitt,  Faulkner, Gillian ,   Goble,   McDowell ,    Hewett , Smith, Summers,

   Absent: Lott, Jones, Brown, London, Murphy, Madebach

David Hewett presented the financials of the club for the past 12 months.

   The club revenue for this period was $ 76,077.  Expenditures were 63,244 (budgeted  70,000.00).  Our net increase in fund balance was 12,833.00.  This was an amazing result as the club lost 32 operating days of bingo due to the covid 19 shutdown.  Our estimated loss due to this shut down was 14,800.00.

   The club also applied for an was promised a grant from Sertoma, Inc. in the amount of 2,000.00 for loss of fundraising opportunities during the covid 19 shut down.

   The board voted to match the Sertoma, Inc. donation. This will be awarded to an organization to be determined in the future.

   Therefore, the board voted to add $ 2,000.00 to the community funds and then raise the total charity budget for the year to 72,000.00.  Hewett will make the required changes to our percentages and present them at a later date to the board.  The board will revisit the budget in December or January to adjust the budget based on income.


   Per the action at a prior board meeting, Michael Ford solicited an estimate from Chris Thatcher to upgrade the air conditioning system in the hut. Thatcher proposed to replace the existing split system, add a new split system with dual heads for the main area. This will provide 3 heads in the main area. He also proposed to shut off the ducts from the main air handler serving the main area and redirect this cooling to the kitchen. He also proposed to place a temperature-controlled exhaust fan in the ice machine room.  The price for this work will be 14,838.00

   The board decided to meet with Charles Williams to explore partial funding from the fireman’s fund and also receive permission to use other vendors. If other vendors are allowed, we will seek prices from others.


Old McDonald’s Fish Camp is not able to provide its facility for the probable winners dinner.  The covid 19 regulations will not allow for our large group. Michael Ford is going to look into using Ned’s building and what size group this building can accommodate.

Cost of the meal was 150.00

The meeting adjourned at 7:45 pm


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Board Meeting Minutes September 3, 2020

 Below are the Board Meeting Minutes From September 3, 2020.  Regular meeting minutes are published on our website and are available to be reviewed.


Board Meeting Minutes

Date:  September 3, 2020

Call to order: Time                8:10                   PM                    By:                 Michael Ford       

Board In Attendance:      Ford,  Lott, Corbitt,  Faulkner, Gillian ,   Goble,  McDowell ,    Hewett , London, Smith, Summers,  Absent:  Jones, Brown, Murphy, Madebach

Secretary Report:

  1. Dues invoices have been sent out.      Membership Update:  76 members.  
  2. Dennis Murphy submitted  Life Membership for Rick Faulkner to Sertoma Inc. – Have not received
  3. What to do about overdue membership dues will be discussed further at the budget meeting on 9/2/2020??

Membership applications: 


 TREASURER REPORT:  See hard copy attached: **. None

Bank Balances:                                       Donated This Meeting:  TBD

Ops:                 \$ 30,557                       

Charity:            \$ 17,557                      

Sec 4190          \$ 50662                       

Bingo:              \$ 19,421                                      

Total    \$  118,217                 Donations YTD:   \$  13,647.00

Cost of tonight’s meal: \$      381.06   ?       Raffle \$     0        net.  Food sales \$  10.00 donated from petty cash to pay the cleanup crew.


Bert Yancey Tournament:  The prior board voted to fund this event prior to the covid 19 shut down. The board voted to confirm this prior vote and make a donation to the Bert Yancey Mental Health Foundation in the amount of $ 5,000.00.

Old Business:

Kevin Gillian and John Morris looking into possible upgrading of A/C units at the Hut. Still working on getting quotes.  Per the special board meeting, Michael Ford met with Charles Williams of the fireman’s fund. It is acceptable to use any contractor licensed in North Augusta to perform the work. The quote from Thatcher was 14,838.00.  A new quote was received by the vendors name not disclosed for 9,835.00. The club is expecting a quote from Cool Ray.  John Morris can purchase the equipment at cost but not warrantee will be available. The estimated cost of labor would be 1,500.00. This item was tabled for further discussion at the next board meeting.


   Old McDonalds Fish Camp is not available to host a meeting to discuss possible winners of the Masters.  Our member Ned has volunteered his business to hold this meeting. However, we would be limited to members only due to the social distancing requirements.  This decision was tabled for further discussion.

David Hewett to follow up with Hap Greenway about “baskets”. Still pending

David Hewett asked for help with sorting/filing/keeping old club documents.   Dennis Murphy and Jack London to assist.



Dennis Murphy to contact Niles Ellifson about digital copying and disposal of old documents

Dennis Murphy spoke to Niles – He will be glad to help.  We need to decide what we need to keep as a record.  We can make digital copies or they can file them for us (may be cheaper than making digital copies). They can shred any of our old records that we feel we need to dispose of.  Project in progress – Hewett has lead.



New Business:   The Club’s 50th Anniversary will occur in October. We have three charter members left:  John Morris, Sammy Anderson and Dick Day. The sentiment is to have a special regular meeting to honor these three gentlemen.  We do not have a facility available to hold a larger gathering.




  Meeting and Food Schedule (Food schedule is tentative and subject to cha

  • 09/03/2020 –“Pork Butt Cook off” – Ricci Jones and Al Kitchen to do “Cup Night” raffle.
  • 09/17/2020 Kevin Gillian

Note: The Ilardi Team wants to have one Big expanded Italian meal (mussels et.al.) Board said it would be a good idea.

Casino Night status:  David Brunson:

  1. Currently Scheduled events:


Membership Committee Report – David Brunson, Chairman: (David is no longer on the board.  Do we need to appoint someone else?)


  1. Activities for Balance of FY 2020/2021:




  1. Adjournment :  8:45                       PM
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General Meeting Minutes September 3, 2020

Date:  September 3, 2020

General Meeting Minutes

Call to Order    7:03            PM   By:  K. Gillian                          Prayer by:       D. Hewett                 Pledge by:    All

Attendance:  Members:      26                                       Guests:     Daniel Smith (Michael Ford)

Tonight’s Meal Prepared by: “Butt Cook Off”- 

Membership:  Current membership is 76.  Everyone needs to bring a friend or neighbor or business people you meet to a meeting and let them see what a good club we have.

You need to get your dues payments in.

Thank You’s:  From:  Foster Grandparent Program


NOTE: Financial Report – David Hewett  : Ops: \$30,557; Charity: \$17,577 Sec 4190: \$50,662; Bingo: \$19,421      Bank account total :\$118,217 ** For the Fiscal Year, Donated \$             YTD with the newly revised amount of \$                     available for this fiscal year..

** Sertoma Club Covid-19 Relief Grant Report David Hewett

Club Golf Events:  Support 1 Tourn. 9/14/2020, American Legion Tourn. 9/28/2020

Rex Goble: Golf Tournaments upcoming?  NOTE: Rex Goble is making every effort to make sure everyone eligible gets a chance to play in club sponsored golf events.

** New members should see Rex to get on his list for golfers to play in club sponsored golf outings.

CASINO NIGHTS:  Report by David Brunson  :  We have casino nights scheduled for: TBD


** Butt Cook-off Results**  Michael Ford

Some discussion about legality of Casino nights in SC if no monetary prizes given.  Michael Ford to look into further.

**** CUP RAFFLE****  Winner- Ken McDowell – Auburn- Amount Raised – 1,740.00






DRAWING Winners:  Rick Faulkner & Bill Denny


 Meeting Adjourned at              8:03     PM 

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