North Augusta Sertoma Club Meeting Minutes March 4, 2021

Date:  March 4 , 2021

General Meeting Minutes

Call to Order     7:07           PM        By:      Kevin Gillian           Prayer by:   Hap Greenway            Pledge by:    All

Attendance:  Members:        36                          

Tonight’s Meal Prepared by: Team Ford – Steaks

Membership:  Current membership is 70. Everyone needs to bring a friend or neighbor or business people you meet to a meeting and let them see what a good club we have.

You need to get your dues payments in. We are pursuing delinquent member’s dues. If a member falls 2 quarters behind in dues, action will be taken.

Membership packages presented to new member Rob Trotter and Ryan Smith.

Thank You’s:  From:

NOTE: Financial Report – David Hewett  :   Ops: \$33,048 Charity: \$19,586 Sec 4190: \$60,832; Bingo: \$24,432      Bank account total :\$127,898 ** For the Fiscal Year, Donated \$ 51,955     YTD with the newly revised amount of \$20,045  available for this fiscal year..

Donations since 2/18/21: Arts and Heritage Center, North Augusta – \$1,000

                                        University Hosp Speech and Hearing          \$11,697.75

Club Golf Events: 4/22/21 – Martinez Merchant- 4/22/21; Support 1- 4/26/21

Rex Goble: Golf Tournaments upcoming?  NOTE: Rex Goble is making every effort to make sure everyone eligible gets a chance to play in club sponsored golf events. 

** New members should see Rex to get on his list for golfers to play in club sponsored golf outings.

CASINO NIGHTS:  Report by David Brunson  :  We have casino nights scheduled for: We have two event on hold pending Covid situation


  • “Discussion of Probable Winners” 3/31/21. Old McDonald’s Fish Camp. Members and one Guest (spouse, significant other, etc.). There will be a fee of \$10.00 for each guest.  Masks will be optional.  More details next meeting.


SARGEANT AT ARMS –FINES: Several fines of \$1 for failure to sign attendance book

 DRAWING Winners:  Jim Madebach, Rob Trotter, Rob Trotter

 Meeting Adjourned at    7:59        PM 

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North Augusta Sertoma Club Meeting Thursday March 4, 2021

There will be a regular North Augusta Sertoma Club meeting this Thursday,  March 4, 2021.
Location: North Augusta Safety Dept. Hut
Sponsorship Committee Meeting at 06:15 PM.  Social Hour begins at 06:30 PM.  Board meeting to follow General meeting.

The meal will be prepared by Team Brunson.  It will (probably) be hamburger steaks and fixin’s

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North Augusta Sertoma Club Board Meeting Minutes Feb. 18, 2021

Attached are the minutes from the  January 21, 2021 North Augusta Sertoma club Board Meeting.  Please review them.  if you have comments or corrections, please contact Dennis Murphy.  If no comments or corrections, the minutes shall be approved as read here.

Board Meeting Minutes

Date: February 18, 2021

Call to order: Time     7:55        PM                          By:           Kevin Gillian              

Board In Attendance:      Faulkner, Gillian ,   Goble,     London,  Lott, Corbitt, Murphy,  Hewett , Smith,  Young, , Madebach, Summers, McDowell,  .  Absent: ,   Brown, Jones , Ford

Secretary Report:

  1. Dues invoices have been sent out.    
  2.  Membership Update:  68 members.    Tom Willis dropped membership due to illness
  3. Board recommended that we again look into paying dues with Credit Card (Pay Pal or ?) David Hewett to look into it. Waiting until banks are open again so that an account can be opened.

 Membership applications:   Ryan Smith – approved


Bank Balances:                                       Donated last Meeting: \$400 – Martinez Merchants assoc.;                                                                                                                                                              \$5,000  Support  1

Ops:                 \$ 33,020                   

Charity:            \$ 19,584                       Donated This Meeting:  \$11,697.75 – University Hosp. Speech& Hearing

Sec 4190          \$ 63,530                                                           \$1,000 – North Augusta Arts Council                 

Bingo:              \$ 23,430               

Total               \ $139,565                Donations YTD:   \$ 39,257 .  Available for Fiscal Year \$ 37,743

Cost of tonight’s meal: \$    572                 Raffle \$  45        net. \$      Food sales \$   5


  1. Wounded Warriors – Not recommended
  2. North Augusta Arts Council – committee recommended \$500, Motion was amended to \$1,000.
  3. University Hospital Speech and Hearing presented a 4-part request:
    1. “Fast Forward- auditory computer process -\$4,860 – Approved
    2. “Iowa Oral Performance Instrument (IOPI)” – \$4,543.25 – Approved
    3. “VitalStim with electrodes – \$|2,294.5 – Approved
    4. Continuing Education Programs – \$7,000 – NOT Recommended. Committee feels vendors or others can provide this training.

Total for Speech and Hearing – \$11,697.75

 Old  Business:

  • Kevin Gillian and John Morris looking into possible upgrading of A/C units at the Hut. Still working on getting quotes. Still pursuing additional quotes. Michael Ford:
  • 50th Anniversary Banquet.
  • Service to Mankind nomination and  submission to Sertoma Inc.  David Brunson working on it.  Dennis Murphy to find out latest date for submittal for Sertoma International consideration
  • Discussion of Probable Winners event: Tentatively planned for 3/31/21
    • Dennis Murphy, Doug Faulkner, Rick Faulkner to put together the program
    • Kevin Gillian to Coordinate event – date/time/location/meal, etc

 New Business:  

  • Speech and Hearing Office on Buena Vista Ave. Kevin Gillian will look into what they do and if we may be able to offer them some assistance
  • Election Committee – Ken McDowell to proceed with forming committee and selection of candidates.

 Meeting and Food Schedule (Food schedule is tentative and subject to change)

  • 3/4/21 – Michael Ford
  • 3/18/21 – David Brunson
  • 4/1/21 – No Meeting
  • 4/15/21 – Cater? Bill Street?

Casino Night status:  David Brunson:

  1. Currently Scheduled events: Temple of Israel in Feb.2021

Membership Committee Report – David Brunson, Chairman: Nothing to report

  • Has a committee of he and Ken McDowell and Ned Maner.

Activities for Balance of FY 2020/2021

Adjournment :   8:20            PM 

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North Augusta Sertoma Club Meeting Minutes Feb. 18, 2021

Date:  February 18, 2021

General Meeting Minutes

Call to Order       7:02              PM   By:  Kevin Gillian                Prayer by:    David Hewett             Pledge by:    All

Attendance:  Members:       32                            

Tonight’s Meal Prepared by: Team Nash

Membership:  Current membership is 68. Everyone needs to bring a friend or neighbor or business people you meet to a meeting and let them see what a good club we have.You need to get your dues payments in. We are pursuing delinquent member’s dues. If a  member falls 2 quarters behind in dues, action will be taken.Thank You’s:  From:

NOTE: Financial Report – David Hewett  : Budget meeting.  Ops: \$33,020 Charity: \$19,584 Sec 4190: \$63,530; Bingo: \$23,430      Bank account total :\$139,565 ** For the Fiscal Year, Donated \$ 39,257              YTD with the newly revised amount of \$     37,743      available for this fiscal year..Donations since 1/21/21: \$400 – Martinez Merchants Assoc.  Scholarship Golf Tournament fund raiser; \$5,000 – Support 1 golf tournament fund raiser.Club Golf Events: 4/22/21 – Martinez Merchants; 4/26/21 – Support 1Rex Goble: Golf Tournaments upcoming?  NOTE: Rex Goble is making every effort to make sure everyone eligible gets a chance to play in club sponsored golf events.  No Events Currently

** New members should see Rex to get on his list for golfers to play in club sponsored golf outings.

CASINO NIGHTS:  Report by David Brunson  :  We have casino nights scheduled for: We have two event on hold pending Covid situation




DRAWING Winners:  Chuck Smith,  Ken McDowell

 Meeting Adjourned at  7:52          PM 

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North Augusta Sertoma Club Meeting Thursday February 18, 2021

There will be a regular North Augusta Sertoma Club meeting this Thursday,  February 18, 2021.
Location: North Augusta Safety Dept. Hut
Sponsorship Committee Meeting at 06:15 PM.  Social Hour begins at 06:30 PM.  Board meeting to follow General meeting.

The meal will be prepared by Team Nash (he promised that it would be good).

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North Augusta Sertoma Club Board Meeting Minutes Feb 4, 2021

Attached are the minutes from the  January 21, 2021 North Augusta Sertoma club Board Meeting.  Please review them.  if you have comments or corrections, please contact Dennis Murphy.  If no comments or corrections, the minutes shall be approved as read here.

Board Meeting Minutes

Date: February 4, 2021

Call to order: Time   7:54             PM                       By:           Michael Ford        

Board In Attendance:      Faulkner, Gillian ,   Goble,     London,  Lott,   Brown, Corbitt, Murphy, Jones  Hewett , Smith,  Young, , Madebach , Ford.  Absent: Summers, McDowell,

Secretary Report:

  1. Dues invoices have been sent out.    
  2.  Membership Update:  68 members.   
  3. Pursuing delinquent membership dues. Contacting members who are 2 quarters or more behind in dues. Dennis Murphy reported that he has contacted all members who are delinquent and that five more members are to be dropped.  Almost all the rest will be catching up on dues.
  4. Board recommended that we again look into paying dues with Credit Card (Pay Pal or ?) David Hewett to look into it. Waiting until banks are open again so that an account can be opened.

 Membership applications:   None


Bank Balances:                                       Donated Last Meeting: ** \$5,000.00 (Pending).

Ops:                 \$ 32,131                   

Charity:            \$ 19,585                       Donated This Meeting:

Sec 4190          \$ 63,526                      

Bingo:              \$ 23,428                138,670                Donations YTD:   \$                .  Available for Fiscal Year \$

Cost of tonight’s meal: \$                     Raffle \$ 0        net. \$10  Food sales \$   


  1. LAST MEETING**“Support 1” golf tournament –Motion approved for \$5,000. The  motion was approved pending obtaining additional information from the Tournament organizers regarding exactly what we would be getting – no. of teams, advertisement, etc. – Feedback was that we  would have 4 teams with mulligan pkg.  Motion Approved
  2. Golden Harvest Food Bank Not recommended
  3. Golf Tournament – Ruby Cane and Terry Davis ( Scholarships) \$400 – Approved

Old  Business:

  • Kevin Gillian and John Morris looking into possible upgrading of A/C units at the Hut. Still working on getting quotes. Still pursuing additional quotes. Michael Ford will check again before next meeting.
  • 50th Anniversary Banquet.
  • Service to Mankind nomination and  submission to Sertoma Inc.  David Brunson working on it.

 New Business:  

  • Discussion of Probable Winners event: Will bring up again in March

   Meeting and Food Schedule (Food schedule is tentative and subject to change)

  • 2/18/21 – Philip Nash
  • 3/4/21 – Michael Ford
  • 3/18/21 – Cater? Bill Street?
  • 4/1/21 – No Meeting

Casino Night status:  David Brunson:

  1. Currently Scheduled events: Temple of Israel in Feb.2021

Membership Committee Report – David Brunson, Chairman:

  • Has a committee of he and Ken McDowell and Ned Maner.

Activities for Balance of FY 2020/2021

  1. Adjournment :          8:14 PM 
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North Augusta Sertoma Club Meeting Minutes Feb. 4,2021

Date:  February 4, 2021

General Meeting Minutes

Call to Order        7:00        PM   By:   Michael Ford           Prayer by: Michael Ford                  Pledge by:    All

Attendance:  Members:         31                          

Tonight’s Meal Prepared by: Team Brown – Low Country Boil

Membership:  Current membership is 68. We have dropped 10 more members for lack of payment of dues.  Everyone needs to bring a friend or neighbor or business people you meet to a meeting and let them see what a good club we have.

You need to get your dues payments in. We are pursuing delinquent member’s dues. If a  member falls 2 quarters behind in dues, action will be taken.

Thank You’s:  From:  Camp Sertoma and Family Promise of Augusta


NOTE: Financial Report – David Hewett  : Budget meeting.  Ops: \$34, 131 Charity: \$19,585 Sec 4190: \$63,526; Bingo: \$23,428      Bank account total :\$138,670 ** For the Fiscal Year, Donated \$ 33,857              YTD with the newly revised amount of \$ 38,143          available for this fiscal year..

Donations since 1/21/21:

Club Golf Events.  None scheduled

Rex Goble: Golf Tournaments upcoming?  NOTE: Rex Goble is making every effort to make sure everyone eligible gets a chance to play in club sponsored golf events.  No Events Currently

** New members should see Rex to get on his list for golfers to play in club sponsored golf outings.

CASINO NIGHTS:  Report by David Brunson  :  We have casino nights scheduled for: TBD  David Brunson to check on status of casino nights at Temple of Israel and Louisville









DRAWING Winners:  Ned Maner, Ricci Jones, Rob Trotter


 Meeting Adjourned at       7:48         PM 

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North Augusta Sertoma Club Meeting Thursday Feb. 4, 2021 – Low Country Boil

Apparently, this email that I sent out Monday did not go out.  so, sorry for the late notice.  Sending it again.

There will be a regular North Augusta Sertoma Club meeting this Thursday,  February 4, 2021.
Location: North Augusta Safety Dept. Hut
Sponsorship Committee Meeting at 06:15 PM.  Social Hour begins at 06:30 PM.  Board meeting to follow General meeting.

The meal will be a Low Country Boil prepared by Team Brown

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North Augusta Sertoma Club Meeting Minutes January 21, 2021

Date:  January 21, 2021

General Meeting Agenda

Call to Order      7:05          PM   By:   Kevin Gillian         Prayer by:  Stetson Corbitt                 Pledge by:    All

Attendance:  Members:      29.  Guest David Buck                                

Tonight’s Meal Prepared by: Team London – Pork Chops and fixin’s

Membership:  Current membership is 72.  Everyone needs to bring a friend or neighbor or business people you meet to a meeting and let them see what a good club we have.

You need to get your dues payments in. We are pursuing delinquent member’s dues. If a  member falls 2 quarters behind in dues, action will be taken.

Thank You’s:  From: 

NOTE: Financial Report – David Hewett  : Budget meeting.  Ops: \$34,347 Charity: \$19,583 Sec 4190: \$63,526; Bingo: \$22,428      Bank account total :\$139,884 ** For the Fiscal Year, Donated \$ 33,857          YTD with the newly revised amount of \$ 38,143 available for this fiscal year..

Donations since 1/7/21 – \$2,000 to Camp Sertoma

Hap Greenway reported that we have 13 campers lined up to go this year and physicals have been       arranged.

Club Golf Events

Rex Goble: Golf Tournaments upcoming?  NOTE: Rex Goble is making every effort to make sure everyone eligible gets a chance to play in club sponsored golf events.  No Events Currently

** New members should see Rex to get on his list for golfers to play in club sponsored golf outings.

CASINO NIGHTS:  Report by David Brunson  :  We have casino nights scheduled for: TBD  David Brunson to check on status of casino nights at Temple of Israel and Louisville


  • Some discussion about legality of Casino nights in SC if no monetary prizes given. Apparently, the answer is that it is legal in SC as long as there are NO PRIZES or MONEY awarded.
  • Valentines/Club Anniversary Party in February has been postponed due to COVID. Future date TBD



 SARGEANT AT ARMS –FINES Numerous \$1 fines given to members who were not wearing their badges or did not sign the attendance book.

 DRAWING Winners:  Rick Faulkner, Wes Summers

 Meeting Adjourned at                PM 

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