Don’t Forget that this Thursday Meeting is our annual “Cup Night Raffle”. If you want your favorite team to be on our cups we drink out of every meeting for the next year, then bring your money and buy a raffle ticket and take your chances to put your team on our drink cups.
North Augusta Sertoma Club Meeting Thursday August 4,2022
There will be a meeting of the North Augusta Sertoma Club Thursday August 4,2022.
The meal will be prepared by: Team Brown- Smoked Pork Chops, Mac & Cheese, Green Beans, Corn, Rolls Dessert.
Location: North Augusta Public Safety Dept. Hut
Sponsorship Committee Meeting at 06:15 PM. Social Hour begins at 06:30 PM. Board meeting to follow General meeting.
North Augusta Sertoma Club Board Meeting Minutes July 21, 2022
Attached are the minutes from the July 21, 2022 North Augusta Sertoma club Board Meeting. Please review them. if you have comments or corrections, please contact Dennis Murphy. If no comments or corrections, the minutes shall be approved as read here.
Board Meeting Minutes
Date: July 21 ,2022
Call to order: Time 8:05 PM By: Wes Summers
Board In Attendance: Faulkner, London, McDowell, Summers, Hewett, Corbitt, Morris, Murphy Goble, Brown, Maner , Troutman, Oliphant, Absent: Atkinson, Brunson,
Secretary Report:
- Board Approval of minutes from last Board meeting –
2.Dues invoices have been sent out.
- Membership Update:
Membership applications: Thomas McManus – Approved
Bank Balances:
Ops: \$ 21,475
Charity: \$ 20,156
Sec 4190 \$ 62,253
Bingo: \$ 24,469 Cost of tonight’s meal: \$ 405 Raffle \$ 60 Food sales \$ 35
Total \$ 131,355 Donations YTD: \$ 11,000 Available to donate: \$ 76,000 -Income YTD i
- American Legion request – tabled from last Board,. Recommended we put in two teams at \$400 apiece – Passed
- Wounded Warriors – Not recommended
- Pat Carpenter requested money for school supplies – recommended \$1000 – Passed
- North Augusta Safety Dept. Golf Tournament – recommended 1 team for \$500 – passed.
- Camp Sertoma Golf Tournament (Aiken Sertoma Club) – Tabled
Old Business:
- Visit to Aiken Sertoma Club – Ken McDowell has approached Aiken Club – looking for best date to attend.
- Club Banners. Have been purchased – Ned Maner
- Status of donating to Piedmont University Hospital –
- Discussions with Laurie Ott – David Hewett
- Can we give to Aiken Regional Speech and Hearing – Wes Summers
- Casino Nights – Need to improve our communications with customers and recruitment and notification of dealers – Action David Brunson??
- Have not been paid for the last Casino night? Board passed a motion that we will always get paid up front be fore we start dealing at any casino night.
- Green Jackets Outing – should we invite some members from Aiken Sertoma? Should we send someone from our club to Aiken Sertoma Green Jackets Outing? – Board passed a motion to send Dennis Murphy, club will pay for ticket.
- Sertoma Annual Convention in Denver 9/30/22 – 10/1/22 – Was discussed. Looking for someone from our club to attend. Will discuss more in the future.
- Meeting Clean up Person – Still not sure who we have for meeting night clean up. Ken McDowell/Stetson Corbitt to talk to Haley. Dan Troutman may have a person interested. Motion was passed to pay tonight’s clean up person \$25
- Motion was passed to have Dan Troutman purchase some additional cooking utensils –to be kept in our locker. Cooking teams need to ensure that the utensils are properly put away in the locker.
- News items for Fred Ilardi- Fred has been told to make efforts for new coverage for any donation we make that is equal to or greater than \$2,000.00. We need to give Fred list(s) of donations – David Hewett
- Fred Ilardi is arranging a “Big Check” presentation with press coverage for the donation to the “Miracle Field” fundraiser.
Meeting and Food Schedule (Food schedule is tentative and subject to change)
- 8/4/22 – Jack London “Cup Night”
- 8/18/22 – Green Jacket Ball Game Outing
- 9/1/22 – Larry Brown
- 9/15/22 – Kevin Gillian? Philip Nash?
- 10/06/22 – Fred Ilardi
Casino Night status:
- David Brunson is the person responsible for coordination of dealers and making sure there are a point of contact at all Casino events. The Board asked David Brunson to make an effort to get the new members more involved with the casino nights.
Membership Committee Report :
Activities for Balance of FY 2021/2022:
- Adjournment: 8:50 PM
_________________________________________ _________________________________
Secretary – Dennis Murphy C.O.B. Kevin Gillian
North Augusta Sertoma Club Meeting July 21,2022
The next Setoma Club meeting is Thursday July 21, 2022 NOT July 14th.
Hopefully they are going to fire the club secretary for making another mistake.
The Installation of Officers Meeting will be held on THURSDAY 6/16/22, NOT Friday 6/17/22.
There will be no Board Meeting that evening.
The installation of officers for FY22/23 will be FRIDAY 6/17/22 at the Police Safety Hut. We moved the meeting from Thursday to Friday to accommodate the banquet.
All members and their significant others are invited. The meal will be Tenderloin Steaks, Baked Potatoes, and Salad.
Social hour will be at 6:30 PM. The regular meeting and installation of officers will be at 7:00 PM
North Augusta Sertoma Club Meeting Minutes 6/2/22
Date: June 3 , 2022
General Meeting Minutes
Call to Order 7:00 PM By: Wes Summers Prayer by: Stetson Corbitt Pledge by: All
Attendance: Members: Guests: Lenny Birt
Tonight’s Meal Prepared by : Team Ilardi – Italian Feast
Membership: Current membership is 68. Everyone needs to bring a friend or neighbor or business people you know.
Dues billing has been sent out. Need to get your dues payments in. We are pursuing delinquent member’s dues. If a member falls 2 quarters behind in dues, action will be taken.
Membership Packages to : None
Thank You’s : From: None
Financial Report : David Hewett : Ops: \$ 26,678 ; Charity: \$ 20,655 Sec 4190: \$ 57,248; Bingo: \$ 33,467 Bank account total :\$ 138,048 Donations YTD:\ $ 79,757. \$ 5,243 available to donate .Donations since last meeting: \$26,000.00
Club Golf Events:
Rex Goble: Golf Tournaments upcoming? NOTE: Rex Goble is making every effort to make sure everyone eligible gets a chance to play in club sponsored golf events. New members – see Rex
AJGA Tournament at Mt. Vintage on 6/13/22 Rex will call for players next week. Another tournament on 6/20/22 at Ft. Jackson.
Our Website has been recently updated. Check it out
- Third reading of nominations for officers for FY 22/23. CALL FOR FINAL VOTE. Vote was taken and all candidates were approved. See Attached List of club officers for FY22/23
DRAWING Winners: David Hewett, M. Ford, F. Ilardi
Meeting Adjourned: 7:55 PM
North Augusta Sertoma Club Officers for the FY 22/23
Chairman of the Board: Ken McDowell
President: Wes Summers
President Elect: Rex Goble
Secretary: Dennis Murphy
Treasurer: David Hewett
Vice President (Sponsorship): Rick Faulkner
Vice President (Operations): Larry Brown
Vice President (Scholarships) Jack London
Sergeant At Arms: Stetson Corbitt
2nd year Directors:
Ned Maner
Ryan Atkinson
David Brunson
1st Year Directors (new):
Jonny Morris
Ken Oliphant
Dan Troutman
Annual Discussion of Probable Masters Winners Dinner April 30, 2022
Sorry for the late notice.
The Annual Discussion Of Probable Winners Dinner will be held at Old McDonalnd’s Fish Camp Wednesday April 30, 2022.
Dinner and open bar. $15 per person at the door.
Only Members and “Significant Others” are invited.
Social Hour starts at 06:30 PM. Dinner and the real entertainment to follow.
North Agusta Sertoma Club Meeting Thursday January 20, 2022
There will be a meeting of the North Augusta Sertoma Club Thursday January 20, 2022
The meal will be prepared by: Team London – Grilled Pork Chops, Salad, Baked Potatoes, Dessert.
Location: Augusta Safety Dept. Hut
Sponsorship Committee Meeting at 06:15 PM. Social Hour begins at 06:30 PM. Board meeting to follow General meeting.
North Augusta Sertoma Club Meeting Thursday Dec. 2,2021
We are getting the meeting notice out early because we are planning to have a special meal and we want to make sure everyone knows about it and try to get a head count (have you seen the price of beef lately). So, please give me a response to this email if you are attending
There will be a meeting of the North Augusta Sertoma Club Thursday December 2 , 2021
The meal will be prepared by: Team Brown – Beef tenderloins, Baked potatoes, salad, dessert
Location: Augusta Safety Dept. Hut
Sponsorship Committee Meeting at 06:15 PM. Social Hour begins at 06:30 PM. Board meeting to follow General meeting.