North Augusta Sertoma Club Meeting Thursday November 4,2021

There will be a meeting of the North Augusta Sertoma Club Thursday November 4 ,  2021

Location: North Augusta Safety Dept. Hut

Sponsorship Committee Meeting at 06:15 PM.  Social Hour begins at 06:30 PM.  Board meeting to follow General meeting.

The meal will be prepared by:  Team Brown – Cornish Hens,  Baby Lima Beans, Corn, Biscuits, Dessert

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North Augusta Sertoma Club Meeting Minutes September 16, 2021

Date:  September 16,2021

General Meeting Minutes

Call to Order   7:05              PM   By:  Ken McDowell                  Prayer:      Dick Day                         Pledge Allby:    All

Attendance:  Members:        43                            Guests: Matt Coffie, Brian Howie

Tonight’s Meal  Prepared by  : Team Brown – Ribs and Pork Loins

Membership:  Current membership is 69.  Everyone needs to bring a friend or neighbor or business people you know.

Dues billing has been sent out.  Need to get your dues payments in. We are pursuing delinquent member’s dues.  If a member falls 2 quarters behind in dues, action will be taken..

Membership Packages to :

Thank You’s  :  From:   CMONA, Camp Sertoma

Financial Report :  David Hewett : Ops: \$26,837  ; Charity: \$ 17,742 Sec 4190: \$ 55,282 ; Bingo: \$  25,443     Bank account total :\$ 131,696  Donations YTD:\ $ 29,600.  $ \55,400 available to donate.

Donations since 6/17/21:

NOTE: Semi annual Budget Meeting was held on 9/1/21. Our annal Charity budget for this fiscal year was raised from \$75,000 to \$85,000.

Club Golf Events:

Rex Goble: Golf Tournaments upcoming?  NOTE: Rex Goble is making every effort to make sure everyone eligible gets a chance to play in club sponsored golf events.

Next Tournament :  N. A. American Legion – at  Mt. Vintage 9/27/21.  Need 2 teams.   Vaughn Taylor Junior Amateur at Mt. Vintage 10/14/21.   Special drawing 10/07/21 meeting  to see  who gets to participate.

** New members should see Rex to get on his list for golfers to play in club sponsored golf outings.


50th Anniversary Banquet Celebration on 8/27/21 was a well done, very nice event. Thanks to all who organized  and participated.


  • Ken McDowell has invited Dr. Garner from the University Hospital Speech and Hearing Center to give us another of her special presentations at the 11/4/21
  • The North Augusta Mayor Britton Williams will be at our next meeting to do a special proclamation.

Casino night:  We have a small Casino night at a private residence on 11/15/21??.  David Brunson will be contacting dealers with information

SARGEANT AT ARMS –FINES –  Numerous for not signing bo0k and/or not wearing name badge

DRAWING Winners:   Wes Summers/Dan Troutman/Wes Summers

Meeting Adjourned:     7:56                 PM    

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Funeral Arrangements For Ray Morris

We have lost  one of our truly great North Augusta Sertoma members and a truly wonderful man and a dear friend. Ray  Morris passed away on Tuesday.

Ray’s service will be held at 10 am at the Holy Trinity Catholic Church, Telfair Street on Friday August 27. Burial will be at 2pm at Calvary Cemetary in Aiken.  The family will greet friends after the 10 am service at the Courtyard of the church. The family has asked that in lieu of flowers make a donation to Camp Sertoma. 

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Incorrect Return Address on Billing Statements

When we sent out the billing statements for this last quarter, we somehow included the wrong return address for submitting payments. Sorry about all the confusion and the “return to sender” notices.

The correct address is:

North Augusta Sertoma Club

P. O. Box 6184

North Augusta, SC 29861

North Augusta Sertoma Club Meeting Thursday July 15, 2021

Sorry for the late notice. Dennis Murphy is out of town.
There will be a North Augusta Sertoma Club meeting tonight,  June 17, 2021.
This is a big meeting that is a combination of Installation of Officers, Annual Steak Night and Annual Cup Raffle
Location: North Augusta Safety Dept. Hut


North Augusta Sertoma Club Board Meeting Minutes June 17, 2021

Attached are the minutes from the  June 17, 2021 North Augusta Sertoma club Board Meeting.  Please review them.  if you have comments or corrections, please contact Dennis Murphy.  If no comments or corrections, the minutes shall be approved as read here.

 Board Meeting Minutes

Date:  June 17, 2018

Call to order: Time    7:50               PM                 By:          Michael Ford              

    Board In Attendance:      Corbitt, Young, Ford, Hewett, Faulkner, Madebach, Brown, Murphy and Smith,   Gillian, Summers,  Absent: London, McDowell, Goble, Lott, Jones,

Secretary Report:

  1. Dues invoices have been sent out.
  2. Membership Update: 69 members.  Delinquent list not discussed.
  3. Hewett :  appointment to set up for us to receive credit card payments.

Membership applications: None


Bank Balances: 

Ops:                \$ 27,993

Charity:           \$ 18,226

Sec 4190          \$ 71,340

Bingo:             \$ 27,438          Cost of tonight’s meal: \$    329     Raffle \$   15                    Food sales \$ 15

Total                            \$ 144,999                  Donations YTD:    \$ 61,819   Available to donate: 10,181


  1. Wounded Warriors – Not Recommended
  2. David Black Church Sponsored charity golf tournament – Tabled for next FY
  3. University Hospital Speech and Hearing request for money for Hearing Aids – Board passed motion to donate \$10,000.00

 Old Business:

  • Installation of Officers – Date, Location. Installation of Officers and the annual “Cup Raffle” to be conducted at the next meeting (7/15/21) at the Hut.  Giselle Morris will induct the new officers.  Ford to provide meal and conduct the raffle.
  • Hut H & A replacement submitted to Chief Thomas to determine path forward. Michael Ford discussed with Charles Williams (or Chief Thomas) . Currently waiting on quotes.
  • 50th Anniversary Banquet- Tabled. Board decided that the event will be on 8/20/21 at the North Augusta Community Center. Still need to line up a caterer.       
  • Hewett to present credit card info
  • Service to Mankind nomination and submission to Sertoma, Inc. – Tabled – David Brunson
  • Green jackets Game for the club. Date set as July 1, 2021 meeting. Club will pay $ 25.00 per attendee
    (member and one guest). Fee includes food and game but no beer.  Anyone signing up and not attending will be assessed $ 25.00 per ticket they reserved.  Signup sheet was passed around this meeting.  Dennis Murphy sent out a notice. Received responses from 3
  • Ken McDowell attending the National Convention I Kansas City


  • Board passed a motion to give gift \$150 certificates to Rod Greenway and Dr. Thurmond as a “Thank You” for helping with the kids going to Camp Sertoma
  • Board discussed having a lottery to determine the three members eligible to play in the upcoming Vaughn Taylor charity golf tournament.

Meeting and Food Schedule (Food schedule is tentative and subject to change)

  • 7/1/21 – Green Jacket Game
  • 7/15/21– Combination Cup Raffle and Installation of Officers – Michael Ford/Ken McDowell
  • 8/5/21- Team Ilardi
  • 8/20/21 – 50th Anniversary Banquet – Larry Brown/Kevin Gillian

Casino Night status: 

  1. David Brunson is the person responsible for coordination of dealers and making sure there are a point of contact at all Casino events. All events are on hold due to Covid 19.        

 Membership Committee Report

  1. Activities for Balance of FY 2017/2018:




  1. Adjournment :                           PM

North Augusta Sertoma Club Meeting Minutes June 17, 2021

Date:  June 17, 2021

General Meeting Minutes

Call to Order       6:59   PM   By:   M. Ford (meeting conducted by Gillian).    Prayer:  M. Ford  Pledge by:    All

Attendance:  Members:                  Guests: Bo and Colin Brown

Tonight’s Meal  Prepared by  : Team Gillian – Low Country Boil

Membership:  Current membership is 69.  Everyone needs to bring a friend or neighbor or business people you I

You need to get your dues payments in. We are pursuing delinquent member’s dues.  If a member falls 2 quarters behind in dues, action will be taken..

It was announced  As of July 1, 2021, Membership dues will be increased to \$350.00 per year to offset the Sertoma Inc. dues increase from last year.

Membership Packages to : None

Thank You’s  :  From:   

Financial Report :  David Hewett : Ops: \$27,993  ; Charity: \$ 18,226 Sec 4190: \$ 71,340 ; Bingo: \$  27,438     Bank account total :\$ 144,999    Donations YTD:\ $ 61,819.  $ 10,181 available to donate.

Donations since

Club Golf Events:

Rex Goble: Golf Tournaments upcoming?  NOTE: Rex Goble is making every effort to make sure everyone eligible gets a chance to play in club sponsored golf events.

Next Tournament :

** New members should see Rex to get on his list for golfers to play in club sponsored golf outings.


  • Installation Of Officers Banquet. Tentatively set for 7/15/21



  • Greenjackets Game for the club. Date set as July 1, 2021 meeting. Club will pay $ 25.00 per attendee
    (member and one guest). Fee includes food and game but no beer. Signup this meeting? Anyone signing up and not attending will be assessed $ 25.00 per ticket they reserved.
  • Hap Greenway gave a report on all the kids from North Augusta attending Camp Sertoma. He asked everyone to give a thank you to his father Rod Greenway and to Dr. Thurmond for doing the physicals.




DRAWING Winners:  Rick Faulkner and Dennis Murphy


Meeting Adjourned:    7:45                   PM    

Club Outing at Greenjackets Game July 1,2021

Reminder for those who have signed up for the Greenjackets game outing on July 1,2021.

If you have signed up, you and your guest will receive free tickets to the game.  If you have not signed up it is too late.  If you have signed up, tickets have been purchased for you. If you do not show up, you will be charged \$25 for the tickets

We will all gather at the assembly and pavilion area on the right field side of the stadium.  There will be food and (non-alcoholic) provided at the pavilion. It is “Thirsty Thursday Night”, so beers will be only a dollar.

The gates at the stadium open at 6:30 PM.  Stetson Corbitt will be in front of the stadium with your tickets

See you there!

Sertoma Club Outing – Greenjackets Game July 1,2021

The North Augusta Sertoma Club is having an outing at the Augusta Greenjackets game on July 1, 2021. All members are invited.  The club will pay  a \$25 fee for each member and one guest. The fee includes game ticket and food (at the pavillion) but no beer (it will be “Thirsty Thursday” night). A sign up sheet was passed around at the June 3 meeting.  If you have not signed up and want to attend, please respond to this email or let one of the Board members know.  

*** This outing will be a pretty good expenditure for our club.  Anyone signing up and not attending will be assessed \$25.00 for their ticket