North Augusta Sertoma Club Meeting Minutes for April 15, 2021

Date: April 15, 2021

General Meeting Minutes

Call to Order      7:00       PM        By:    Kevin Gillian         Prayer by:   David Hewe       Pledge by:    All

Attendance:  Members:       38                           Guests: Dennis Jinks, Charles Chassen

Tonight’s Meal Prepared by: Team Ford/Nash – Hamburger Steaks and potatoes and gravy

Membership:  Current membership is 69. Everyone needs to bring a friend or neighbor or business people you meet to a meeting and let them see what a good club we have.

You need to get your dues payments in. We are pursuing delinquent member’s dues. If a member falls 2 quarters behind in dues, action will be taken

Thank You’s:  From:

NOTE: Financial Report – David Hewett  :   Ops: \$32,222 Charity: \$17,584 Sec 4190: \$57,720; Bingo: \$25,434      Bank account total :\$132,960 ** For the Fiscal Year, Donated \$ 53,319     YTD with the newly revised amount of \$18,681  available for this fiscal year..

Donations since 4/18/21:  ?                                 

Club Golf Events: 4/22/21 – Martinez Merchant- 4/22/21; Support 1- 4/26/21

Rex Goble: Golf Tournaments upcoming?  NOTE: Rex Goble is making every effort to make sure everyone eligible gets a chance to play in club sponsored golf events. 

** New members should see Rex to get on his list for golfers to play in club sponsored golf outings.

Rex Goble circulated a request for names, phone numbers and handicaps for members wanting to participate in future tournaments.

CASINO NIGHTS:  Report by David Brunson  :  We have casino nights scheduled for: We have two event on hold pending Covid situation


  • First reading of proposed club officers for FY 2021/2022






DRAWING Winners:


 Meeting Adjourned at       7:50             PM 

4/15/21 Meeting Notification Correction

There has been a change to the menu for Thursdays dinner.  It will not be Italian Cuisine.  It will be hamburger steaks with onion and mushroom gravy, roasted potatoes, green beans and dessert.

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North Augusta Sertoma Club Meeting Thursday April 15, 2021

There will be a regular North Augusta Sertoma Club meeting this Thursday,  April 15, 2021.
Location: North Augusta Safety Dept. Hut
Sponsorship Committee Meeting at 06:15 PM.  Social Hour begins at 06:30 PM.  Board meeting to follow General meeting.

The meal will be prepared by: Team ILardi – Italian Cuisine.

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Lou Wegener Memorial Service 3/27/21

There will be a memorial service for Lou Wegener  at 2 PM  on 3/27/21 at Grace Memorial Church.  We encourage all Sertomans to attend in rememberance of  one of our special long time members (Past President and past District Governor).  There will be a meal after the service at Ned Maner’s office at 1297  W. Martintown rd.

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North Augusta Sertoma Club Board Meeting Minutes 4/18/21

Attached are the minutes from the  March 18, 2021 North Augusta Sertoma club Board Meeting.  Please review them.  if you have comments or corrections, please contact Dennis Murphy.  If no comments or corrections, the minutes shall be approved as read here.

 Board Meeting Minutes

Date: March 18, 2021

Call to order: Time    8:04         PM                          By:            M. Ford                             

Board In Attendance:      Faulkner, Gillian ,   Goble,     London,  Lott, Corbitt,  Hewett ,  Young, , Madebach, Summers,   Brown, Jones , Ford,  McDowell, . Absent: Murphy, Smith,

Secretary Report:

  1. Dues invoices have been sent out.    
  2.  Membership Update: 70 members.    
  3. Board recommended that we again look into paying dues with Credit Card (Pay Pal or ?) David Hewett to look into it. Waiting until banks are open again so that an account can be opened.

 Membership applications:   None


Bank Balances:                                       Donated last Meeting: 0                                                                                                                                            

Ops:                 \$ 33,089                   

Charity:            \$ 19,586                     Donated This Meeting: 0

Sec 4190          \$ 57,720                                                                            

Bingo:              \$ 24,432               

Total               \ $134,827                Donations YTD:   \$ 51,955 .  Available for Fiscal Year \$ 20,045

Cost of tonight’s meal: \$ 316                    Raffle \$100         net. \$               Food sales \$  0

 Sponsorship: None

 Old  Business:

  • Hut H & A replacement submitted to Chief Thomas to determine path forward and Public Safety participation.
  • 50th Anniversary Banquet. tabled
  • Service to Mankind nomination and  submission to Sertoma Inc. Tabled – David Brunson
  • Discussion of Probable Winners event: 3/31/21. Rick Faulkner and crew will create program.  Gilliian contacting J. Bass with reservations for 80 guests.
  • Election Committee – Ken McDowell said committee is nearly complete with selections.  First reading will be submitted to the club at 4/15/21 meeting.

 New Business:   None

 Meeting and Food Schedule (Food schedule is tentative and subject to change)

  • 4/1/21 – No Meeting
  • 4/15/21 –Fred Ilardi
  • 5/6/21 – Bill Street will cater

Casino Night status:  David Brunson: David Brunson is the person responsible for coordination of dealers and making sure there are a point of contact at all Casino events.  All events ae on hold due to Covid 19

 Membership Committee Report –

  • Has a committee of he and Ken McDowell and Ned Maner.  No report

Activities for Balance of FY 2020/2021

  1. Adjournment :        8:15              PM 


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North Augusta Sertoma Club Meeting Minutes 4/18/21

Date:  March 18, 2021

General Meeting Minutes

Call to Order       7:02             PM        By:       K. Gillian         Prayer by: Hap Greenway               Pledge by:    All

Attendance:  Members:     38                 

Tonight’s Meal Prepared by: Team Brown-Pork Loin and Ribs

Membership:  Current membership is 70. Everyone needs to bring a friend or neighbor or business people you meet to a meeting and let them see what a good club we have.

You need to get your dues payments in. We are pursuing delinquent member’s dues. If a member falls 2 quarters behind in dues, action will be taken

Thank You’s:  From:

NOTE: Financial Report – David Hewett  :   Ops: \$33,089 Charity: \$19,586 Sec 4190: \$57,720; Bingo: \$24,432      Bank account total :\$134,827 ** For the Fiscal Year, Donated \$ 51,955     YTD with the newly revised amount of \$20,045  available for this fiscal year..

Donations since 4/4/21:0  None                                       

Club Golf Events: 4/22/21 – Martinez Merchant- 4/22/21; Support 1- 4/26/21

Rex Goble: Golf Tournaments upcoming?  NOTE: Rex Goble is making every effort to make sure everyone eligible gets a chance to play in club sponsored golf events. 

** New members should see Rex to get on his list for golfers to play in club sponsored golf outings.

CASINO NIGHTS:  Report by David Brunson  :  We have casino nights scheduled for: We have two event on hold pending Covid situation


  • “Discussion of Probable Winners” 3/31/21. Old McDonald’s Fish Camp. Members and one Guest only (spouse, significant other, etc.). Note: Board made an exception for Ray Morris and Hal Morrell due to their need for transportation. There will be a fee of \$10.00 for each guest.  Masks will be optional.  We are expecting 80 participants


Lou Wegener’s Memorial Service has been scheduled for 2 PM on 3/27/21 at Grace Memorial Church.  We encourage all Sertomans to attend.  The meal that we promised to provide will be at Ned Maner’s office (1297 W. Martintown Rd).  The Police Hut is not available.  Due to the short notice,  Enough members to cook was not possible.  Therefore, Michael Ford will cater the meal and submit the bill tater to Hewett.  We expect to feed 30-40 people


 DRAWING Winners: Not recorded

 Meeting Adjourned at      7:50          PM 

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North Auarch 18, 2021gusta Sertoma Club Meeting Thursday M

There will be a regular North Augusta Sertoma Club meeting this Thursday,  March 18, 2021.
Location: North Augusta Safety Dept. Hut
Sponsorship Committee Meeting at 06:15 PM.  Social Hour begins at 06:30 PM.  Board meeting to follow General meeting.

The meal will be prepared by Team Brown: Pork Loins and Ribs, Green Beans, etc.

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Funeral For JoAnn Faulkner

With a  VERY heavy heart, I have to announce that Rick Faulkner’s wife JoAnn passed away Saturday March 6.  She was a friend and a lovely lady.

The family will receive friends on Wednesday evening from 6:00 until 8:00 PM at Thomas Poteet & Sons Funeral Directors. 

The funeral service will be held Thursday, March 11, 2021 at 11:00 AM at Riverview  Church. 1244 Furys Ferry Rd. Evans, Ga.

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North Augusta Sertoma Club Board Meeting Minutes March 4, 2021

Attached are the minutes from the  January 21, 2021 North Augusta Sertoma club Board Meeting.  Please review them.  if you have comments or corrections, please contact Dennis Murphy.  If no comments or corrections, the minutes shall be approved as read here.

 Board Meeting Minutes

Date: March 4, 2021

Call to order: Time      8:06           PM                      By:       Kevin Gillian                       

Board In Attendance:      Faulkner, Gillian ,   Goble,     London,  Lott, Corbitt, Murphy,  Hewett , Smith,  Young, , Madebach, Summers,   Brown, Jones , Ford.  Absent:  McDowell,

Secretary Report:

  1. Dues invoices have been sent out.    
  2.  Membership Update: 70 members.    
  3. Board recommended that we again look into paying dues with Credit Card (Pay Pal or ?) David Hewett to look into it. Waiting until banks are open again so that an account can be opened.

 Membership applications:   None


Bank Balances:                                       Donated last Meeting: \$1,000 – NA Arts and Heritage Council                                                                                                                                                              \$11,697.75 – Uiniv Hosp. Speech & Hearing

Ops:                 \$ 33,048                   

Charity:            \$ 19,586                     Donated This Meeting:

Sec 4190          \$ 50,832                                                                            

Bingo:              \$ 24,432               

Total               \ $127,898                Donations YTD:   \$ 51,955 .  Available for Fiscal Year \$ 209,045

Cost of tonight’s meal: \$   637.00        Raffle \$   56          net. \$    20         Food sales \$   30

 Sponsorship: 1. Golden Harvest Food Bank – Not Recommended 2. Wounded Warriors- Not Recommended

 Old  Business:

  • Kevin Gillian and John Morris looking into possible upgrading of A/C units at the Hut. Still working on getting quotes. Still pursuing additional quotes. Michael Ford: Still working
  • 50th Anniversary Banquet.
  • Service to Mankind nomination and  submission to Sertoma Inc.  David Brunson working on it.  Dennis Murphy to find out latest date for submittal for Sertoma International consideration
  • Discussion of Probable Winners event: Tentatively planned for 3/31/21
    • Dennis Murphy, Doug Faulkner, Rick Faulkner to put together the program
    • Kevin Gillian to Coordinate event – date/time/location/meal, etc
  • Speech and Hearing Office on Buena Vista Ave. Kevin Gillian will look into what they do and if we may be able to offer them some assistance
  • Election Committee – Ken McDowell to proceed with forming committee and selection of candidates.

New Business:  

 Board passed motion to pass this FY allocation for banquets on to be added to next FY allocation for banquets, so that we may have ample money to fund a nice 50th anniversary banquet.

  Meeting and Food Schedule (Food schedule is tentative and subject to change)

  • 3/4/21 – Michael Ford
  • 3/18/21 – David Brunson (Team Brown will cook if Brunson is not able)
  • 4/1/21 – No Meeting
  • 4/15/21 – Cater? Bill Street?

Casino Night status:  David Brunson:

  1. Currently Scheduled events: Temple of Israel in Feb.2021

Membership Committee Report – David Brunson, Chairman:

  • Has a committee of he and Ken McDowell and Ned Maner.

Activities for Balance of FY 2020/2021


Adjournment :      8:45            PM 


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