North Augusta Sertoma Club Board Meeting Minutes June 3, 2021

Attached are the minutes from the  June 3, 2021 North Augusta Sertoma club Board Meeting.  Please review them.  if you have comments or corrections, please contact Dennis Murphy.  If no comments or corrections, the minutes shall be approved as read here.


Board Meeting Minutes

Date:  June 3, 2018

Call to order: Time    8:22           PM                        By:         Michael Ford

    Board In Attendance:      London, Corbitt, Young, Ford, Hewett, Faulkner, Madebach, McDowell, Brown, Goble, Murphy and Smith,   Absent: Gillian, Summers, Lott, Jones,

Secretary Report:

  1. Dues invoices have been sent out. 
  2. Membership Update: 70 members.  Delinquent list not discussed.
  3. Hewett :  appointment to set up for us to receive credit card payments.
  4. Officers to be added to club signature card. Todd Stanford said bank policy requires a credit check for all persons added to signature cards. Hewett will get the paperwork when he meets with Todd Stanford.

Membership applications:


Bank Balances: 

Ops:                 \$ 29,213

Charity:            \$ 18,227

Sec 4190          \$ 63,780

Bingo:              \$ 27,439           Cost of tonight’s meal: \$  266      Raffle \$ 45 + 5 for fines        Food sales \$ 15

Total                            \$ 138,659                  Donations YTD:    \$ 58,319  Available to donate: 13,681


  • Wounded Warriors request – Not Recommended
  • Jesse Lynch American Legion Golf Tournament – table for later date
  • 5/20/21 Vaughn Taylor AJGA (American Junior Golf Association).. After much discussion of overall benefits to the club of sponsoring the tournament (and possible larger donation), Board passed a donation of \$3500. Board also discussed the possibility of club members volunteering to help with the tournament.

 Old Business:

  • Installation of Officers – Date, Location
  • Hut H & A replacement submitted to Chief Thomas to determine path forward. Michael Ford discussed with Charles Williams (or Chief Thomas) . Currently waiting on quotes.
  • 50th Anniversary Banquet- Tabled. Larry Brown pursuing arrangements for venue.                  
  • Hewett to present credit card info
  • Service to Mankind nomination and submission to Sertoma, Inc. – Tabled – David Brunson
  • Greenjackets Game for the club. Date set as July 1, 2021 meeting. Club will pay $ 25.00 per attendee
    (member and one guest). Fee includes food and game but no beer.  Anyone signing up and not attending will be assessed $ 25.00 per ticket they reserved.  Signup sheet was passed around this meeting.  Dennis Murphy will send out a notice
  • Ken McDowell attending the National Convention I Kansas City


  • Larry Brown to see if Giselle Morris would be available to do the Installation of Officers


Meeting and Food Schedule (Food schedule is tentative and subject to change)

  • 6/17/21– Team Gillian/Brown – Tenderloins
  • 7/1/21 – Greenjacket Game
  • 7/15/21– Tentatively will be combination Cup Raffle and Installation of Officers
  • 8/5/21- ?

Casino Night status: 

  1. David Brunson is the person responsible for coordination of dealers and making sure there are a point of contact at all Casino events. All events are on hold due to Covid 19.            


Membership Committee Report

  1. Activities for Balance of FY 2017/2018:


  1. Adjournment :                 9:00      PM

North Augusta Sertoma Club Meeting Minutes June 3, 2021

Date:  June 3, 2021

General Meeting Minutes

Call to Order      7:08      PM   By: Ken McDowell         Prayer by:      Michael Ford                    Pledge by:    All

Attendance:  Members:                  Guests: Bert Yancy presenters: Steve Hobson, Josh Linton

Tonight’s Meal  Prepared by  : Team London

Membership:  Current membership is 70.  Everyone needs to bring a friend or neighbor or business people you I

You need to get your dues payments in. We are pursuing delinquent member’s dues.  If a member falls 2 quarters behind in dues, action will be taken..

*** As of July 1, 2021, Membership dues will be increased to \$350.00 per year to offset the Sertoma Inc. dues increase from last year.

Membership Packages to : Charles Chason

Thank You’s  :  From:   N.A Arts Council; Rec’ing Crew

Financial Report :  David Hewett : Ops: \$29,213  ; Charity: \$ 18,227 Sec 4190: \$ 63,780 ; Bingo: \$  27,439     Bank account total :\$ 138,659    Donations YTD:\ $ 58,319.  $ 13,681 available to donate.

Donations since 4/18/21:  \$5,00 to Rec’ing Crew

Club Golf Events:

Rex Goble: Golf Tournaments upcoming?  NOTE: Rex Goble is making every effort to make sure everyone eligible gets a chance to play in club sponsored golf events.

Next Tournament :

** New members should see Rex to get on his list for golfers to play in club sponsored golf outings.


  • Installation Of Officers Banquet. Tentatively set for 7/15/21


  • Bert Yancy Tournament Presentation by Steve Hobson and Josh Linton


  • Greenjackets Game for the club. Date set as July 1, 2021 meeting. Club will pay $ 25.00 per attendee
    (member and one guest). Fee includes food and game but no beer. Signup next meeting. Anyone signing up and not attending will be assessed $ 25.00 per ticket they reserved.


SARGEANT AT ARMS –FINES –  Numerous – for failure to sign the sign-in book


DRAWING Winners: Larry Brown and Justin Howard


Meeting Adjourned:    8:15          PM    


There will be a regular North Augusta Sertoma Club meeting this Thursday,  June 3, 2021.
Location: North Augusta Safety Dept. Hut
Sponsorship Committee Meeting at 06:15 PM.  Social Hour begins at 06:30 PM.  Board meeting to follow General meeting.

The meal will be prepared by: Team London – Grilled Chicken,  Salad, Baked Potatoes, Green Beans and Dessert.

North Augusta Sertoma Club Board Meeting Minutes May 20,2021

Attached are the minutes from the  May 6, 2021 North Augusta Sertoma club Board Meeting.  Please review them.  if you have comments or corrections, please contact Dennis Murphy.  If no comments or corrections, the minutes shall be approved as read here.

Board Meeting Minutes

Date:  May 20, 2018

Call to order: Time                8:05      PM                 By:        Michael Ford


Board In Attendance:      Gillian, London, Corbitt, Young, Ford, Summers, Hewett, Jones

                                            Absent: Faulkner, Lott, Madebach, McDowell, Brown, Goble, Murphy and Smith


Secretary Report:

  1. Dues invoices have been sent out. 
  2. Membership Update: 70 members.  Delinquent list not discussed.
  3. Hewett talked to Todd Stanford. He has an appointment to set up for us to receive credit card payments.
  4. Board discussed adding officers to club signature card. Todd Stanford said bank policy requires a credit check for all persons added to signature cards. Hewett will get the paperwork when he meets with Todd Stanford.

Membership applications:  None



Bank Balances: 

Ops:                 \$ 30,297

Charity:            \$ 18,225

Sec 4190          \$ 63,110

Bingo:              \$ 27,436           Cost of tonight’s meal: \$  312   Raffle \$  80 (2 meetings).  Food sales \$ 25

Total                            \$ 139,069                  Donations YTD:    \$ 53,319  Available to donate: 18,681


Golden Harvest – No

Wounded Warriors – No

RECing Crew $ 5,000.00

Vaughn Taylor AJGA (American Junior Golf Association). Sponsorship approved $ 3,500.00. Board tabled consideration of this donation until the next meeting,

Old Business:

Hut H & A replacement submitted to Chief Thomas to determine path forward. Michael Ford has a meeting next week with Charles Williams or Chief Thomas to discuss this.

50th Anniversary Banquet- Tabled.

Hewett will present credit card info at the next meeting

Service to Mankind nomination and submission to Sertoma, Inc. – Tabled – David Brunson



Yancey Tournament Board requested and received permission to attend next meeting to make a short presentation.

Dues will increase to $ 350.00 next year to offset dues increase from Sertoma, Inc. Life Member dues will remain the same.

Hewett requested $ 299.95 reimbursement for QUICK BOOKS annual charge and cloud backup of the club and bingo books.  Approved

Greenjackets Game for the club. Date set as July 1, 2021 meeting. Club will pay $ 25.00 per attendee
(member and one guest).  Fee includes food and game but no beer. Signup next meeting. Anyone signing up and not attending will be assessed $ 25.00 per ticket they reserved.


  Meeting and Food Schedule (Food schedule is tentative and subject to change)

  • 6/3/21 – Team London
  • 6/17/21– Team Gillian
  • 7/1/21 – Greenjacket Game
  • 7/15/21– TBD
  • 8/5/21- Michael Ford- Cup Raffle- Steaks, etc.
  • David interjection… We did not discuss of plan an installation banquet /and / or meal.

Casino Night status: 

  1. David Brunson is the person responsible for coordination of dealers and making sure there are a point of contact at all Casino events. All events are on hold due to Covid 19.            

Membership Committee Report –

 Ken McDowell -Not in attendance

  1. Activities for Balance of FY 2017/2018:
  2. Adjournment :                  8:45                  PM

North Augusta Sertoma Club Meeting Minutes May 20,2021

Date:  May 20, 2018

General Meeting Minutes

Call to Order    7:02   PM   By: Kevin Gillian    Prayer by:   Stetson Corbitt                           Pledge by:    All

Attendance:  Members:       33         Guests: 2 – Keith McDonald (Todd Stanford)

                                                                             Vaughn Taylor (Michael Ford)

Tonight’s Meal  Prepared by  :  Team Ilardi

Membership:  Current membership is 70.  Everyone needs to bring a friend or neighbor or business people you meet to a meeting and let them see what a good club we have.

You need to get your dues payments in. We are pursuing delinquent member’s dues.  If a member falls 2 quarters behind in dues, action will be taken..

Membership Packages to : None

Thank You’s  :  From:   None

Financial Report :  David Hewett : Ops: \$30,297  ; Charity: \$ 18,225 Sec 4190: \$ 63,110 ; Bingo: \$  27,436     Bank account total :\$ 139,069    Donations YTD:\ $ 53,319.  $ 18,681 available to donate.

Donations since 4/18/21:  None

Club Golf Events:

Rex Goble: Golf Tournaments upcoming?  NOTE: Rex Goble is making every effort to make sure everyone eligible gets a chance to play in club sponsored golf events.

Next Tournament :

** New members should see Rex to get on his list for golfers to play in club sponsored golf outings.

CASINO NIGHTS:  Report by David Brunson  : We have no events scheduled at this time due to COVID concerns.


   3rd and final reading of the new slate of officers and directors.


   Club tax returns submitted and accepted by IRS and SC Secretary of State. See Hewett to inspect a copy.

   Jack L:ondon’s committee has awarded 12 scholarships.


  • DRAWING Winners:  Wes Summers – $ 25.00, Wes Summers – bottle of Crown, Tara Street – $ 40.00
  • Meeting Adjourned:        7:50   PM    

North Augusta Sertoma Club Board Meeting Minutes from May 6, 2021

Attached are the minutes from the  May 6, 2021 North Augusta Sertoma club Board Meeting.  Please review them.  if you have comments or corrections, please contact Dennis Murphy.  If no comments or corrections, the minutes shall be approved as read here.

 Board Meeting Minutes

Note.  Club Secretary was not in attendance.  Minutes taken by Bob Young

Date:  May 6, 2021

Call to order: Time       ?           PM                           By:              Michael Ford                                    

Board In Attendance:      Faulkner, Gillian ,   Goble,     London,  Lott, Corbitt,    Young, , Madebach, Ford,  McDowell, .  Summers,   Brown, , Absent: Hewett , Jones , Murphy, Smith

Secretary Report:

  1. Dues invoices have been sent out.    
  2.  Membership Update: 70 members.    
  3. Board recommended that we again look into paying dues with Credit Card (Pay Pal or ?) David Hewett to look into it. Waiting until banks are open again so that an account can be opened.

 Membership applications:   Charles Chason – approved


Bank Balances:                                       Donated last Meeting:                                                                                                                                   

Ops:                 \$ 30,331                   

Charity:            \$ 18,224                     Donated This Meeting:

Sec 4190          \$ 63,110                                                                            

Bingo:              \$ 26,434               

Total               \ $138,099                Donations YTD:   \$ 53,319 .  Available for Fiscal Year \$ 18,681

Cost of tonight’s meal: \$  approximately \$550          Raffle \$            net. \$            Food sales \$   

 Sponsorship:  Wounded Warriors request – Not recommended

Old  Business:

  • Hut H & A replacement submitted to Chief Thomas to determine path forward and Public Safety participation. No progress has been made at this time.
  • 50th Anniversary Banquet. tabled
  • Service to Mankind nomination and  submission to Sertoma Inc. Tabled – David Brunson

 New Business:   

  1. Motion was made to provide \$1700 to Ked McDowell to attend the annual Sertoma Convention in Kansas City.  Motion was amended to \$2,000.  Motion was approved

   Meeting and Food Schedule (Food schedule is tentative and subject to change)

  • 5/20/21 – Team Ilardi
  • 6/3/21 – Team London
  • 6/14/21 – ?
  • 7/1/21 – Team Ford – Butt Cook Off?

Casino Night status:  David Brunson: David Brunson is the person responsible for coordination of dealers and making sure there are a point of contact at all Casino events.  All events ae on hold due to Covid 19

 Membership Committee Report –

  • Has a committee of he and Ken McDowell and Ned     No progress reported.

Activities for Balance of FY 2020/2021

  1. Adjournment :              ?              PM 


North Augusta Sertoma Club Meeting Minutes from 5/6/20

Date: May 6, 2021

General Meeting Minutes

Note: No official minutes were taken for this meeting, dwm

Call to Order        ?          PM        By:   K Gillian                 Prayer by:                 ?                 Pledge by:    All

Attendance:  Members:             ?                       Guests: ?

Tonight’s Meal Prepared by:  Catered.  Salisbury Steaks and fixings

Membership:  Current membership is 69. Everyone needs to bring a friend or neighbor or business people you meet to a meeting and let them see what a good club we have.

You need to get your dues payments in. We are pursuing delinquent member’s dues. If a member falls 2 quarters behind in dues, action will be taken

Thank You’s:  From:

NOTE: Financial Report – David Hewett  :   Ops: \$30,333 Charity: \$18,224 Sec 4190: \$63,110; Bingo: \$26,434      Bank account total :\$138,099 ** For the Fiscal Year, Donated \$ 53,319     YTD with the newly revised amount of \$18,681  available for this fiscal year..

Donations since 4/18/21:  none                            

Club Golf Events: ?

Rex Goble: Golf Tournaments upcoming?  NOTE: Rex Goble is making every effort to make sure everyone eligible gets a chance to play in club sponsored golf events. 

** New members should see Rex to get on his list for golfers to play in club sponsored golf outings.

CASINO NIGHTS:  Report by David Brunson  :  We have casino nights scheduled for: We have two event on hold pending Covid situation


  • Reading of proposed club officers for FY 2021/2022






DRAWING Winners:


 Meeting Adjourned at                        PM 

North Augusta Sertoma Club Meeting Thursday May 20,2021

There will be a regular North Augusta Sertoma Club meeting this Thursday,  May 20, 2021.
Location: North Augusta Safety Dept. Hut
Sponsorship Committee Meeting at 06:15 PM.  Social Hour begins at 06:30 PM.  Board meeting to follow General meeting.

The meal will be prepared by: Team ILardi – Italian Cuisine.

There will be a regular North Augusta Sertoma Club meeting this Thursday,  May 6, 2021.
Location: North Augusta Safety Dept. Hut
Sponsorship Committee Meeting at 06:15 PM.  Social Hour begins at 06:30 PM.  Board meeting to follow General meeting.

The meal will be catered : Salisbury Steak, Southern Mashed Potatoes, GreenBeans and corn

North Augusta Sertoma Club Board Meeting Minutes for April 15, 2021

Attached are the minutes from the  April 15, 2021 North Augusta Sertoma club Board Meeting.  Please review them.  if you have comments or corrections, please contact Dennis Murphy.  If no comments or corrections, the minutes shall be approved as read here.


Board Meeting Minutes

Date: April 15, 2021

Call to order: Time     7:56              PM                    By:           Michael Ford                              

Board In Attendance:      Faulkner, Gillian ,   Goble,     London,  Lott, Corbitt,  Hewett ,  Young, , Madebach, Jones , Ford,  McDowell, . Murphy,  Absent: Summers,   Brown, , Smith

Secretary Report:

  1. Dues invoices have been sent out.    
  2.  Membership Update: 69 members.    
  3. Board recommended that we again look into paying dues with Credit Card (Pay Pal or ?) David Hewett to look into it. Waiting until banks are open again so that an account can be opened.
  4. Was noted and discussed that Dennis Jinks (former cub member) was a guest tonight. Mr Jinks was dropped from the roster a couple years ago for lack of payment of dues. Board discussed what procedures to be followed for reinstatement of past members. Dennis Murphy will look into Club and Sertoma Inc. policy for reinstatement of past members.

 Membership applications:   None


Bank Balances:                                       Donated last Meeting: 0                                                                                                                                

Ops:                 \$ 32,222                   

Charity:            \$ 17,584                     Donated This Meeting: 0

Sec 4190          \$ 57,720                                                                            

Bingo:              \$ 25,434               

Total               \ $132,960                Donations YTD:   \$ 53,319 .  Available for Fiscal Year \$ 18,681

Cost of tonight’s meal: \$200.00                 Raffle \$            net. \$40          Food sales \$ 5   


  1. Golden Harvest Food Bank – Not recommended
  2. Wounded Warriors – Not recommended
  3. Notification of an American Legion Golf Tournament in October. – no action taken

 Old  Business:

  • Hut H & A replacement submitted to Chief Thomas to determine path forward and Public Safety participation.
  • 50th Anniversary Banquet. tabled
  • Service to Mankind nomination and  submission to Sertoma Inc. Tabled – David Brunson

 New Business:   

  1. David Hewett brought up to the Board that Sertoma Inc. is having their convention in Kansas City in July and did we want to send someone. Ken McDowell tentatively volunteered to attend.  Board discussed past policy of paying for members attendance to convention.  Will continue discussion at next meeting
  2. Board discussed meeting schedule for June and July. It was decided that we will keep our two meetings per month at the normal times for June and July

 Meeting and Food Schedule (Food schedule is tentative and subject to change)

  • 5/6/21 – Bill Street will cater? Kevin Gillian will look into feasibility and coordinate
  • 5/20/21 – Team Ilardi
  • 6/3/21 – Team London
  • 6/14/21 – ?
  • 7/1/21 – Team Ford – Butt Cook Off?

Casino Night status:  David Brunson: David Brunson is the person responsible for coordination of dealers and making sure there are a point of contact at all Casino events.  All events ae on hold due to Covid 19

 Membership Committee Report –

  • Has a committee of he and Ken McDowell and Ned Maner.  No report

Activities for Balance of FY 2020/2021

Adjournment :          8:20              PM