Jack-O-Lantern Work Schedule

"Gay, James" <James.Gay@statebt.com> wrote:

Please forward to the members:



Below is the schedule for the Jack O’ Lantern Jubilee. Please review and let me know if you have any issues with the times.


Important information – PLEASE READ:

1.       Attached is the map regarding parking and the layout. Our location for the beer tent will be in the gravel parking lot (old Carpenters Exxon) next to Jackson Square. You can park where ever you want, but there will be a shuttle to the new parking lot if you so choose.

2.       WE WILL be checking ID’s for everyone period. This is strict instruction from NAPD. If they do not have an ID we WILL NOT give them an arm band and they will NOT be served beer REGARDLESS of who they are or how old they are.

3.       Please wear your NA Sertoma black shirts. I have additional shirts if needed. I have only had 2 request. If you need one, please text me at 803-215-2412 or email me at james.gay@statebt.com with your name and what size you need and I will make arrangements to get you the shirts.

4.       Times for the beer tent on Friday are 5:30(serving at 6) to 10pm and Saturday 5:00(serving at 5:30) to 10pm.  I have slated each person per their request, but may need assistance if there is a need and demand at the tent and we are short staffed. So please be cognizant and please do not leave if there is a need.



Friday 10/30/15 schedule


5:30 – 7:30

7:30 – 10:00

Patrick Zier + 1



Gene Lott



Stetson Corbitt



Jerry Flanders



Ken McDowell



Ron Carne



Sammy Crawford



Kevin Gillian



Hal Morrell



David Brunson



Sonny Godwin



Larry Brown +1



John Morris +1



Rex Goble



James Gay



Doug Faulkner



Dennis Doerr







Saturday 10/31/15 Schedule



5:30 – 7:30

7:30 – 10:00

David Hewitt



Kelly Zier



Patrick Zier +1



William Irwin



John Morris +1



Dennis Murphy +1



Cobie Williams



Fred Ilardi



Bob Young



Lloyd Hayes



Bob Pate



Doug Faulkner



Billy Watson



Lee Wetherington



Lou Wagner



James Gay



Ron Carne



Dennis Doerr



Stetson Corbitt



Rex Goble





NOTE: I was unable to attach the map to this notification


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Jack-O-Lantern Jubilee Schedule

Below is the schedule for the Jack O’ Lantern Jubilee. Please review and let me know if you have any issues with the times.

Important information – PLEASE READ:

  • Attached is the map regarding parking and the layout. Our location for the beer tent will be in the gravel parking lot (old Carpenters Exxon) next to Jackson Square. You can park where ever you want, but there will be a shuttle to the new parking lot if you so choose.
  • WE WILL be checking ID’s for everyone period. This is strict instruction from NAPD. If they do not have an ID we WILL NOT give them an arm band and they will NOT be served beer REGARDLESS of who they are or how old they are.
  • Please wear your NA Sertoma black shirts. I have additional shirts if needed. I have only had 2 request. If you need one, please text me at 803-215-2412 or email me at james.gay@statebt.com with your name and what size you need and I will make arrangements to get you the shirts.
  • Times for the beer tent on Friday are 5:30(serving at 6) to 10pm and Saturday 5:00(serving at 5:30) to 10pm.  I have slated each person per their request, but may need assistance if there is a need and demand at the tent and we are short staffed. So please be cognizant and please do not leave if there is a need.


Friday Schedule    
Name 5:30 – 7:30 7:30 – 10:00
Patrick Zier + 1 X X
Gene Lott   X
Stetson Corbitt X X
Jerry Flanders X  
Ken McDowell   X
Ron Carne   X
Sammy Crawford X  
Kevin Gillian   X
Hal Morrell X  
David Brunson X  
Sonny Godwin   X
Larry Brown +1 X X
John Morris +1 X  
Rex Goble X  
James Gay X X
Doug Faulkner X  
Dennis Doerr   X



Saturday Schedule    
Name 5:30 – 7:30 7:30 – 10:00
David Hewitt X  
Kelly Zier X  
Patrick Zier +1 X X
William Irwin X  
John Morris +1 X  
Dennis Murphy +1 X X
Cobie Williams X  
Fred Ilardi X  
Bob Young   X
Lloyd Hayes   X
Bob Pate   X
Doug Faulkner X  
Billy Watson X  
Lee Wetherington X X
Lou Wagner X X
James Gay X X
Ron Carne X X
Dennis Doerr   X
Stetson Corbitt X X
Rex Goble X  


Parking Map…


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Jack-O-Lantern Jubilee Beer Wagon – Need Volunteers

Hey guys,

As we have stated at the last several meetings, North Augusta City has asked us to run the beer wagon for this event on October 30 & 31.

It is a great opportunity to show our club to our community, raise much needed money for our club, and have some fun with our club members.  There will be music and fun things going on those evenings.  You won't get much more pleasure than when you are working elbow to elbow with your fellow club members.

We still need volunteers, especially for Saturday night.  If you have already signed up, PLEASE be there.  If you have not signed up, please contact : James Gay, Patrick Zier, or Stetson Corbitt.

Wives or "significant others" are encouraged to sign up to help us and hang out and have a good time.

We want all volunteer to wear a North Augusta Sertoma Shirt.  If you don't have one, contact James Gay.

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Regular Sertoma Meeting Following Golf Tournament October 15, 2015

Sorry for the late notice

There will be a Regular meeting this Thursday, October 15, 2015 following the golf outing. Please plan to attend.

The sponsorship committee will meet at 6:15 and a board meeting will follow the general meeting.

Location: Public Safety Hut

Social Hour: 6:30

Dinner: at 7:30, or when the bell rings.

Menu: Great meal following the golf outing provided by David Brunson and ???

Note, we will be awarding prizes for golf tournament winners and there will be  special "Mega Door Prize" drawings.

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North Augusta Sertoma Club Golf Outing October 15, 2015

This is a reminder notification of the North Augusta Sertoma Club Member/Guest Golf outing on October 15, 2015 at The River Club.

We have 30 members and 1 guest signed up so far and we have room for 9 more players so, if you know a member who is not signed up and wants to play or a friend or neighbor who might be a Bonafide  potential new member, let us know.  Anyone interested can call Lee Deason at 803-279-1572 or Dennis Murphy at 803-278-3677. All bonafide potential member guests will play for free.

The tournament will be a 1 PM shotgun start.  We need people to be there around noon so we can get everyone signed in and all the teams put together and greens fees and cart fees out of the way.

We have over $1,000.00 in prizes and a great meal at the Hut with Super door prizes to be awarded after the golf tournament.

The following are signed up to play in the event:

Member Guest
Anderson, Sammy  
Arnold, Tony  
Brown, Larry  
Brunson, David  
Cook, Carl  
Corbitt, Steson  
Deason, Lee  
Doerr, Dennis  
Ellingson, John  
Faulkner, Doug  
Faulkner, Rick  
Flanders, Jerry  
Fox, Ron  
Gay, James Ben Scot
Gillian, Kevin  
Hensel, ed  
Lott, Gene  
Martin, Ronnie  
Mason, John  
Morrell, Hal  
Murphy, Dennis  
Nelson, Billy  
Nuclkols, Phil  
Parrott, Al  
Perdue, Scott  
Smith, Dan  
Summers, Wes  
Thompson, Buck  
Wegner, Lou  
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Funeral For Pickens Redd

Visitation for Pickens Redd will be Saturday at Rowlands Funeral Home on Martin Town Road in North Augusta at !0:00 AM.  Funeral Services will be at 11:00.

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Pickens Redd Passed Away

I very much regret to tell everone that another of our members has passed away.  Pickens Redd passed away today.  Not funeral details are available yet.  We will let everyone know when information is available.

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Service To Mankind Banquet at Old McDonalds Fish Camp Nov. 11, 2015

The annual Service To Mankind Award banquet will be held at Old McDonald's Fish Camp on November 11, 2015.

Social Hour will be from 6 PM to 7 PM with dinner to follow.

All Members and  spouses or significant others are invited to attend.  There will be no cost for members and spouses/significant others.

If you plan to atten Please respond to this email or contact Dennis Murphy at dmurphy225@att.net or call at 803-278-3677 so we can get a head count.  This is one of the club's larger exenses for the year, so we need to plan ahead as well as we can.

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Regular Sertoma Meeting October 1, 2015

There will be a Regular meeting this Thursday, October 1, 2015. Please plan to attend.

The sponsorship committee will meet at 6:15 and a board meeting will follow the general meeting.

Location: Public Safety Hut

Social Hour: 6:30

Dinner: at 7:30, or when the bell rings.

Menu: Italian Cuisine provided by Team Ilardi

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Funeral Services For Brenda Redd

Brenda Redd passed away Wednesday 9/16/15.  Brenda was a past president of the River's Edge Sertoma Club and wife of Pickens Redd, past president of the North Agusta Sertom Club

Funeral Services for Brenda Redd will be at True North Church in North Augusta on Saturday 9/19/15 at 2 PM.  There will be a viewing after the memorial services.

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