Earlie Olson Passed Away

Herb Olson's wife, Earlie passed away yesterday.  Our thoughts and prayers go out to Herb,

Funeral Services will be on Saturday at Platt Funeral Home on Crawford Ave in Augusta.

Visitation will be at 11:00 and the service will be at 1:00

Burial will be at Hill Crest Cemetery.

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Help With Tonight’s (1/7) Meeting

We have lost our set up/clean up guy.  We are looking for a replacement, but we will need some help for tonight's meeting.  We are asking for a least a few of you to come a little early (sixish) and help us set up the tables and to help us take them down after the meeting.  We are hoping to have someone by the end of meeting to do the sweeping and mopping, but we may need help with that also.



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Regular Sertoma Meeting January 7, 2016

There will be a Regular meeting this  Thursday, January 7, 2016. Please plan to attend.

The sponsorship committee will meet at 6:15 and a board meeting will follow the general meeting.

Location: Public Safety Hut

Social Hour: 6:30

Dinner: at 7:30, or when the bell rings.

Menu: Unknown at this time. Meal will b catered.

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Robert (Burt) Boerkel Passed Away

Robert Boerkel passed away Sunday.  Our thought and prayers go out to his wife and family.

Robert was a Life Time Member of Sertoma  and a past president of the North Augusta Sertoma Club.

Funeral Services will be a Platt Funeral Home on Crawford Ave.  Visitation will be at 2 PM until services at 3 PM.  Mrs Boerkel has asked that North Augusta Sertoma Club members be honorary pall bearers.

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Funeral for Doug and Rick Faulkner’s Father

Doug and Rick Faulkner's father, William Faulkner  passed away on nTuesday.  Our thoughts and prayers go out to them.

Visitation for Mr. Faulkner will be on Saturday from 1 PM to 3 PM  at the Central Christrian Church at 220 Crawford Ave. in Augusta.


Also belatedly, our sympathies to Gene Lott whose father passed away on December 19th.

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Regular (Rescheduled) Sertoma Meeting Thursday 12/17/15

Sorry for all the confusion, and the off-day, but we felt we should have a meeting this month if we could,  So,…there WILL be a Regular meeting next  Thursday, December 17, 2015. Please plan to attend.

The sponsorship committee will meet at 6:15 and a board meeting will follow the general meeting.

Location: Public Safety Hut

Social Hour: 6:30

Dinner: at 7:30, or when the bell rings.

Menu: Beef tenderlois, salad, potatoes, etc  provided by Team Brown

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NO MEETING TONIGHT December 3, 2016

The hut is apparently rented out to another party?? Not sure what happened, but there is no meeting tonight.  This was the only meeting planned for this month.  Will let everyone know if we can get another one scheduled.

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Regular Sertoma Meeting Thursday December 3, 2015

There will be a Regular meeting this Thursday, December 3, 2015. Please plan to attend.

The sponsorship committee will meet at 6:15 and a board meeting will follow the general meeting.

Location: Public Safety Hut

Social Hour: 6:30

Dinner: at 7:30, or when the bell rings.

Menu: Beef tenderlois, salad, potatoes, etc  provided by Team Brown

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Sad News for the McDowell

Ken McDowell's father passed away (not sure of the date). Our thoughts and prayers are with Ken and Donna and the McDowell family.

The viewing will be on Friday at the Johnson Brown Services Funeral Home in Valley, Alabama on Friday at 12:00 Noon.  A grave side service will follow at 2:00 PM.

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No Meeting Thursday Nov. 5th. Service to Mankind Banquet Nov. 11

There will not be a meeting this Thursday, November 5th.  Our only meeting this month is the Service to Mankind Banquet at Old McDonald's Fish Camp on November 11th.  Social Hour will be at 6:30 PM.  Dinner and award to follow.  Wives and/or significant others are invited,  If you have not already signed up at the last meeting, please let Dennis Murphy or Kevin Gillian know that you will be attending.

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