Masters Party at Old McDonalds Fish Camp March 29th

The North Augusta Sertoma Club second meeting of the month will be the annual Masters Party (and discussion of probable winners) at Old McDonalds Fish Camp on Wednesday March 29th.

Members may bring guests.

The cost will be $10 per person for members and their "significant other".  The cost for guests will be $20 per person

This is always a great time, so be sure to be there

Social hour will start at 6:30 PM

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Sad News

Sad news again.  Cobie Williams' daughter, Linda Williams Callaway passed away yesterday. Our thoughts and prayers go out to Cobie and the whole family.

Visitation for family and friends will be at Posey's Funeral Home in North Augusta from 6:00 to 8:00  PM on Monday 3/13/17.  Funeral services will be on Tuesday at 2:00 PM at Pineview Cemetery.

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North Augusta Sertoma Club Meeting Thursday March 2, 2017

There will be a regular meeting of the North Augusta Sertoma Club Thursday March 2nd, 2017.

The sponsorship committee will meet at 6:15 and a board meeting will follow the general meeting

Location: Public Safety Hut Social Hour: 6:30

Dinner: By: Team Brunson: Wife Savers Fried Chicken, Mac & Cheese, Green Beans and dessert.

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Reminder, the North Augusta Annual Valentine Party is Friday February 10 at the Safety Hut.

There will be HEAVY hors d'oeuvres, music, drinks, and the ever popular "photo booth".

Bring your sweet heart out for a night of food, dancing and a good time with your fellow club members.

Social hour will be at 6:30 PM.

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North Augusta Regular Meeting Thursday February 2, 2017

There will be a regular meeting of the North Augusta Sertoma Club Thursday February 2nd, 2017.
The sponsorship committee will meet at 6:15 and a board meeting will follow the general meeting
Location: Public Safety Hut
Social Hour: 6:30
Dinner: By Team London.  Menu: Baked Chickien, Baked Potato, Salad, Green Beans, Bread, Dessert.

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North Augusta Sertoma Club Meeting Thursday January 19, 2017


There will be a regular meeting of the North Augusta Sertoma Club Thursday January 19th, 2017.
The sponsorship committee will meet at 6:15 and a board meeting will follow the general meeting
Location: Public Safety Hut
Social Hour: 6:30
Dinner: By Team Ilardi.  Menu is Egg Plant Parmesan and other good Italtian stuff.

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North Augusta Sertoma Club Meeting Thursday Jan. 5, 2017

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! Lets get it started!

There will be a regular meeting of the North Augusta Sertoma Club Thursday January 5th, 2017.
The sponsorship committee will meet at 6:15 and a board meeting will follow the general meeting
Location: Public Safety Hut
Social Hour: 6:30
Dinner: By Team Gillian

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Sad News. William Irwin’s Mother Passed Away

Mrs Nelle Irwin (William Irwin's Mother) passed away early Monday morning.  Funeral services will be at the Louisvill United Methodist Church tommorrow, Dec. 22 nd at 2:00 PM.  The family will meet friends in the church Fellowship Hall from 1:00 to2:00 PM

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