North Augusta Sertoma Meeting Thursday June 29, 2017

There will be a regular meeting of the North Augusta Sertoma Club Thursday June 29, 2017. This is a make up meeting for the meeting we missed on June 1st.

The sponsorship committee will meet at 6:15 and a board meeting will follow the general meeting

Location: Public Safety Hut Social Hour: 6:30

Dinner: By: Team London.  Grilled Pork Chops, Salad,, Baked Potato, Green Beans, Dessert

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North Augusta Sertoma Meeting Thursday June 15, 2017 ***ELECTION OF OFFICERS

There will be a regular meeting of the North Augusta Sertoma Club Thursday June 15, 2017.

The sponsorship committee will meet at 6:15 and a board meeting will follow the general meeting

Location: Public Safety Hut

Social Hour: 6:30


The  following is the llist of club officers proposed by the  election committee.  If you have any questions, additions, or suggestions, contact our president Patrick Zier or any member of the board.

COB –                       Patrick Zier

PRES.                      Stetson Corbitt

PRES. ELECT.         David Brunson

TREAS.                     David Hewett

SECR.                       Dennis Murphy

SGT AT ARMS          Kevin Gillian

VP SPONSR              Rick Faulkner

VP SCHOLR              Jack London

VP                              Larry Brown

DIRECTOR                Rex Goble

DIRECTOR                Ken McDowell

DIRECTOR                Ricci Jones

DIRECTOR                 Camryn Gillian

DIRECTOR                 Sonny Godwin

DIRECTOR                 Wes Summers

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North Augusta Sertoma Meeting Thursday June 1, 2017

There will be a regular meeting of the North Augusta Sertoma Club Thursday June 11, 2017.

The sponsorship committee will meet at 6:15 and a board meeting will follow the general meeting

Location: Public Safety Hut Social Hour: 6:30

Dinner: By: Team Lonson : Grilled Pork Chops, Salad,Green Beans, Baked Potato and Dessert

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North Augusta Sertoma Meeting Thursday May 18, 2017

There will be a regular meeting of the North Augusta Sertoma Club Thursday May 18, 2017.

The sponsorship committee will meet at 6:15 and a board meeting will follow the general meeting

Location: Public Safety Hut Social Hour: 6:30

Dinner: By: Team Ilardi:  Italian Dinner

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North Augusta Sertoma Meeting Thursday May 4, 2017

There will be a regular meeting of the North Augusta Sertoma Club Thursday May 4, 2017.

The sponsorship committee will meet at 6:15 and a board meeting will follow the general meeting

Location: Public Safety Hut Social Hour: 6:30

Dinner: By: Team Zier:  Ribeye Steaks, Shrimp Scampi, Brown Rice with onions and mushrooms, Fudge Brownine and ice cream

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North Augusta Sertoma Meeting Thursday April 20, 2016

Sorry for the late notice.  I have been out of town.  Just got back a couple hours ago.

There will be a regular meeting of the North Augusta Sertoma Club Thursday April 20, 2017.

The sponsorship committee will meet at 6:15 and a board meeting will follow the general meeting

Location: Public Safety Hut Social Hour: 6:30

Dinner: By: Team Gillian :Pork Loin and fix'ins.

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