North Augusta Sertoma Club Meeting Thursday October 19, 2017


There will be a regular meeting of the North Augusta Sertoma Club Thursday October 19, 2017.

The sponsorship committee will meet at 6:15 and a board meeting will follow the general meeting

Location: Public Safety Hut Social Hour: 6:30

Dinner: Catered.  Menu : Chicken, Mac & Cheese, Green Bean, Rolls, Iced Tea, Banana Pudding

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North Augusta Sertoma Club Meeting Thursday October 5, 2017


There will be a regular meeting of the North Augusta Sertoma Club Thursday October 5, 2017.

The sponsorship committee will meet at 6:15 and a board meeting will follow the general meeting

Location: Public Safety Hut Social Hour: 6:30

Dinner: By: Team London:.  Menu:  Grilled Pork Chops, Baked Potato, salad, green beans and dessert

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North Augusta Sertoma Club Meeting Thursday September 21, 2017

There will be a regular meeting of the North Augusta Sertoma Club Thursday September 21, 2017.

The sponsorship committee will meet at 6:15 and a board meeting will follow the general meeting

Location: Public Safety Hut Social Hour: 6:30

Dinner: By: Team Brunson:.  Menu:  Barbeque Sandwiched, salad, baked beans and dessert

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North Augusta Sertoma Meeting September 7, 2017


There will be a regular meeting of the North Augusta Sertoma Club Thursday September 7, 2017.

The sponsorship committee will meet at 6:15 and a board meeting will follow the general meeting

Location: Public Safety Hut Social Hour: 6:30

Dinner: By: Team Gillian:.  Menu:  To be determined

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Hurricane Harvey Relief Donations

If you would like to help out the folks in Texas suffering through the results of Hurrican Harvey, donations are being collected and shippped from the Ford-Rowland Funeral Home.  I am not sure just what all they want to be donated there, but I am told they do not want food at this location.  They want such thing as bottled water, dry baby formula, clothes,, socks, Tee shirts, paper towels, etc.

All  you will have to do, is drive up in the parking lot and they will help you unload stuff.

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SERTOMA MEETING Thursday August 17, 2017


It is getting close to football season, so we will be having a big "Tail-Gate" party for our meeting this Thursday.

It is also "Cup Night".  We will draw the name of the lucky winner who will get to have his school's name on our cups for every regular meeting for this fiscal year.  If you are tired of drinking out of "Auburn" cups (I know I am), it is not too late to buy a ticket for a chance to put your school's name on our cups.

The sponsorship committee will meet at 6:15 and a board meeting will follow the general meeting

Location: Public Safety Hut Social Hour: 6:30

Dinner: By: Team Zier Menu: Pulled Pork,  Jumbo Hot Dogs w/chili, Baked Beans, Slaw, Brownies and Ice Cream

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North Augusta Sertoma Club Meeting Thursday August 3, 2017

There will be a regular meeting of the North Augusta Sertoma Club Thursday August 3, 2017.

The sponsorship committee will meet at 6:15 and a board meeting will follow the general meeting

Location: Public Safety Hut Social Hour: 6:30

Dinner: By: Team Browm:.  Cornish Hens, Lima Beans, Whole Kernel Corn, Tomatoes, Onions & Ccucumbers, Rolls, Dessert

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Our club donates money to the "Hook a Kid On Golf" clinic that is held at the River Club every year.

They would love to have a few guys to help with the clinic.  You don't need to be a golf instructor.  There will be instructors there who will show you what you can do to help with the different groups of kids.  I have done it in the past and it is a lot of fun.  You  will be surprized to see how willing the kids are to learn the game of golf.

You don't have to commit to the whole week.  You can do a day or two or whatever you can.


The clinic is at the River golf Course Monday thru Friday August 7th  -11th.  It lasts for three hours each morning from about 8:30 AM to 11:30AM.  OnTuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, lunch will provided to the kids and all the volunteers. On Friday,there will be a graduation ceremony.

If you are interested, please call or text Kathi Smoaker at 803-640-5316.  ? If you have any other questions, you can call me (Dennis Murphy) at 706-240-2477

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**SPECIAL***North Augusta Sertoma Club Meeting Thursday July 20, 2017


This is our annual Installation of Officers Meeting which includes a special social hour and dinner.

The sponsorship committee will meet at 6:15 and a board meeting will follow the general meeting

Location: Public Safety Hut

Social Hour: 6:00 This weeks "Social Hour" will include shrimp cocktail and crab dip hors d'ouevres.

Dinner: By: Team Zier: KZ Salad o Steaks o Mushroom Rice  Dessert: "Make Your Own" Strawberry Shortcake


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NEED HELP – Need two guys to help pick up kids from Camp Sertoma

We are in desparate need of two guys to pick up the kids from Camp Sertoma on July 15, 2017.

We need one guy to drive the Public Safety Van and and additional person to help with the kids. It will be a fun and rewarding day.

You would pick up the Public Safety Van on 7/15/17 about 0930, drive up to Camp Sertom (near Clemson) and drive back.  Will be back in town by about 3:30.

Hap Greenway has been the guy for us for Camp Sertoma for years.  We need to help him out.  I will be out of town or I would do it.

PLEASE help us out.

If you can do it, please respond to this email or call me at 803-278-3677 or cell 706-840-2477

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