Date:  February 20,025                                              

General Meeting Minutes

Call to Order   7:08 PM      by   Justin Howard       Prayer by: David Hewett            Pledge by:     all

Attendance:  Members   39                                    Guests:      None                            

Tonight’s Meal  Prepared by  : Team London : Pork Chops

Membership:  Current membership is   73  Everyone needs to bring a friend or neighbor .

Dues Billing has been sent out.  If you have not received it, contact Dennis Murphy.   If you are a quarter behind, we will be reminding you.

Members can now pay dues with VNMO.  Contact David Hewett if you wish to pay your dues this way.

Membership Packages to:     None

Thank You’s  :  Piedmont Speech and Hearing Foundation ; Support 1

Financial Report :   Donations since last meeting: Banquets: \$5,052;Camp Sertoma:\$7,800; Piedmont Speech and Hearing: \$4,000

Encumbrances \$  00.00 Donations YTD \$87,675.00    Remaining Available \$ 6,325

We have given a \$4,000.00 grant to Piedmont Speech and Hearing Foundation.  There will be a formal presentation at our next meeting.

Club Golf Events:   ( New members – see Ken Oliphant)  Support 1 on April 28

OLD  BUSINESS  :  Facebook Point Of Contact is Justin Howard

  • We REALLY need to be looking at replacements for our cub Secretary and club Treasurer. Please consider volunteering for these positions.
  • 1st Tee Golf course. Richard Mathews gave the pertinent info last meeting.  Anyone interested in  playing, see Richard.


  • Masters Party – Location? Discussed whether to have at Ols McDonalds or Lookaway Hall. More info to follow.

CASINO NIGHTS:   Big event on 5/3 in Grovetown.  Will need many dealers. Brunson will put out info.


DRAWING Winners:         Ricci Jones; Wes Summers        

 Meeting Adjourned:      8:10             PM

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