In gratitude for our donations, The Aiken First Tee Golf Course  has invited our members to come and play their course at no cost.

It is a very hilly nine-hole course and there are no electric golf carts available.  It is a short basically a par three course.  Several of our members have played the course and reported that it is a great little course.

Richard Mathews is our point of contact for the course.  If you wish to play, contact Richard at 596-850-3525.

Here are the dates currently available for our  play at the Aiken Fist Tee Golf Course:

March 2      Noon to 4:00

March 3     2:00 or later

All Sundays in March, Noon or later

March 31   Noon to 4:00

Once again, if you want to play, contact Richard Matthews.


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