Welcome to the SERTOMA Club of North Augusta website. We hope that you are able to discover all that we do and offer.

We are a dedicated group of professionals with a common goal of helping people through local charities and organizations, with a focus on the areas of speech and the hearing impaired. Over the years we have raised more than $1,700,000 for those causes. The SERTOMA Club of North Augusta is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization and all donations are tax deductible. We are charted by Sertoma Inc  which is a civic organization with 12,000-plus members in nearly 500 clubs across the United States and Canada. Every year, Sertoma clubs raise more than $10 million for community needs. Through these projects, as well as scholarships and grants, Sertoma clubs return those funds to their respective communities – and they have lots of fun doing it! Our Club meets on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of every month at 6:30 p.m. till 8:30 p.m. at The Public Safety Hut in North Augusta. If you are interested in joining the SERTOMA Club of North Augusta, please contact us to find out how.

Sertoma exists for the high and noble purpose of SERvice TO MAnkind by communication of thoughts, ideas, and concepts to accelerate human progress in health, education, freedom, and democracy.

S  E  R  T  O  M  A

A curious word until three very important words come together in unison: SERvice –TO – MANkind Sertoma’s primary service project is assisting the more than 50 million people with speech, hearing and language disorders… Learn More

Our Mission

Sertoma exists for the high and noble purpose of SERVICE TO MANKIND by communication of thoughts, ideas, and concepts to accelerate human progress in health, education, freedom, and democracy.

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